Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Your Servant Witness

This song is a prayer of petition to my Lord. It is a prayer seeking his face, his guidance and his counsel. It asks of the Lord that I may listen to him, and that I may follow Him in truth. I ask that He gently lead me in His service, and that He guide my steps and give me strength. I want to be filled with his love and mercy, and for that love and mercy to spill over into my relationships with the people in my life, and the people I meet face to face on a daily basis. 

My heart’s desire is that I would always be willing and ready to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to not shrink back when given the opportunity. I want to show God’s love to people in caring for their needs, too. Most of all, and this is all encompassing, I want to be like Jesus in all that I do, think and say. I want Him to always be King of my heart and for me to follow him in complete obedience wherever He leads me. 

Your Servant Witness  

An Original Work / March 13, 2012

Humbly I bow, Lord, before You,

Bringing my requests to You.

May I listen; hear You speaking.

May I follow You in truth.

Gently lead me in Your service.

Guide my steps and strengthen me.

Fill me with Your love and mercy.

May I live for Thee!

Let me be Your servant witness,

Telling others of Your grace.

May I always share the gospel

With those I meet face to face.

May I show the love of Jesus,

Caring for the needs of men;

Be Your servant witness always

For my Lord, Amen!

My desire to be like Jesus,

Living for Him ev’ry day.

May I obey all His teachings

Given me, so I’ll not stray.

Love You, Jesus, Lord, my master.

You are the King of my heart;

Follow You where’er You lead me;

Not from You depart! 


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