Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Sunday, July 28, 2024

When I Am Afraid

When the Lord Jesus gave me this song to write, on October 17, 2016, he had been taking me through a trial with bed bugs. I had never had bed bugs before. I didn’t think I would ever get them, either, so this definitely took me by surprise. Yet, through this trial the Lord was rearranging my priorities, and he was purifying my heart to make me more like Jesus. 

He, as well, was teaching me to rest in him through this. We had had the bugs nearly 2 weeks, at this point, but the Lord had not yet seen fit to deliver us from them. Instead, he was encouraging me to find my strength in him, to rest in him, to not fret, and to let him work in my life what he wanted to do, and for the praise of his glory, and for my good.

The next morning (10/18/16), when we woke up, there was a brown recluse (poisonous) spider on our kitchen sink. The day before that I saw a flea on my desk, and my husband found a dead tick on our bathroom floor. Although the flea and the tick were no big deal, combined with the bed bugs and the poisonous spider, I felt like there was a bug convention going on in our apartment right then. I believed I was being tested, and that the Lord was preparing me for even greater trials yet to come. 

In all things, I was learning more and more to rest in Jesus, and to not be afraid, no matter what may come my way. All glory to God!

And this day, May 10, 2018, while we were out of town trying to help our daughter and son-in-law finish their new house so that they could move out of her in-laws’ house, I picked up a different kind of bug, probably from my grandchildren who have runny noses and coughs. And, then I was down in bed with a sore throat, stuffy sinuses and a cough. And, yet I knew that God was in control, and he allowed all of this for his purposes in my life. Amen!

When I Am Afraid 

An Original Work / October 17, 2016 

Based off Psalms 56-57

When I am afraid, Lord, I will trust in You.

Your Word, Lord, I praise. I yield my life to You.

Enemies pursue me, slandering Your Name.

Lord, have mercy. I trust in You. Hear my cry today.

Lord, I love Your Word. It comforts me today,

As I look to you, and bow my head and pray.

You are Christ, my Lord. You saved me from my sin,

That I may walk, Lord before You, purified within.

Steadfast is my heart, O God, I sing of You.

I will praise You, Lord. To You, I will be true.

Oh, how great Your love. Your faithfulness endue.

Be exalted, God of heaven. Glory be to You.


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