Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Friday, July 19, 2024

God Had a Plan for My Life

God formed me in the womb of my mother

He planned I would serve Him and no other

He spoke to me one day through a sermon

He wanted me, wanted me to hear Him

I sat on that hard bench in pavilion

At camp which is stationed in Vermillion

I left sin and Satan’s life dominion

No longer was I earth’s flesh civilian

Citizen of heaven now my station

The joy of which now to my elation

My Lord Jesus Christ now my salvation

My fellowship with Him now my haven

My age then was prob’ly six or seven

I knew I was on my way to heaven

My sins now I knew were then forgiven

My life was for God to live to please Him

Now skip nearly fifty years to future

Called of God to now use a computer

With Lord Jesus Christ as now my tutor

And Holy Spirit there me to nurture

Called of God to write down what I’m learning

From His Word in promises and warnings

And of the things His Word now instructing

And of his love and grace now informing

This is my call of God, it’s my mission

To share with the world God’s call and vision –

The life He now has for us to live in

In holiness, freedom now from our sin

So, walk with him daily in obedience

Don’t delay but let it be immediate

Leave your lives of sin, don’t be deviant

Follow Christ in all ways, be expedient

An Original Work / May 29, 2022

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