Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Just Like Twins

If we are encouraged

From being in Christ,

We share in his comfort,

And Him we are like.

We share in his passion,

With tender hearts, too.

We share in the Spirit.

He’s made us anew.

Then, filled with compassion,

We have the same love

As Christ our Redeemer,

Who came from above.

We love one another,

And care for each need.

We cease to be selfish;

Make God’s joy complete.

Our thoughts are of Jesus,

For He fills our minds.

We want to obey Him, 

To others be kind.

Our pride does not rule us.

We humble ourselves,

And we become servants 

Of God; to Him gel. 

We have the same mindset

As Christ had himself,

When he died for our sins,

To free us from hell;

To free us from bondage

To all of our sins,

So we walk in vict’ry,

From sin, cleansed within.

We love one another.

For sin, not repay

With evil, but blessing,

And we’ll see good days.

Our tongues kept from evil,

We do good, instead,

Seek peace and pursue it,

In God’s righteousness.

As foll’wers of Jesus,

And like Him in mind,

We’re like one another,

And this we will find,

We’ll share his compassion,

His love and his grace.

We’ll long for his presence,

And His name we’ll raise.

We’ll worship together,

As though we are one,

In love with our Savior.

Above Him is none.

We’ll fellowship with Him,

And with others, too,

And, have sweet communion,

‘tween him, me and you.

And, we’ll be so grateful,

That Christ set us free,

That we will tell others,

Their hearts, fill with glee.

We’ll love one another,

And we’ll sing His praise,

And worship together,

Throughout all our days.

An Original Work / April 12, 2018

Based off 1 Peter 3 & Philippians 2

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