Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Saturday, July 20, 2024

They Asked Me

Strangers called on me one day,

Asked me if I’d kindly pray

For their neighbors, for their friends

To find Jesus, accept Him.

“Sure, I will,” I said to them,

“Pray they give their lives to Him

Fully, truly, not in jest,

Not to falsely Him confess.

“Pray they forsake lives of sin,

Choose that they will follow Him,

Let Him be Lord of their lives,

Go on not to sin contrive.

“Pray they obey every word

That from Jesus they have heard.

Pray His Spirit not resist,

Not on sin to still insist.

“Pray their idols throw away,

Obey Jesus every day,

Walk with Him where’er He leads

On His word to daily feed.”


“No! No!,” they said, “not what we meant,

We want the truth that man invent,

The one that says that we can play

Now with our sin, now every day.

“We want the grace that not requires

We live our lives as God desires.

We want forgiveness of our sins,

But we don’t want to live for Him.

“We want the Jesus who would say,

‘Forgiven you are, go and play.

Not worry ‘bout your lives of sin,

Do what you want, it’s all forgiv’n.’

“We want the God who does not see

When we choose sin and to deceive.

We want the gospel, says, ‘Believe,

Live how you want and heav’n receive.’”


But “No!,” I said, “Not how it works.

Can’t live in sin and receive perks.

Not die to sin, not obey Him,

Your sins, they are not forgiven.

“Obey your Lord, do what He says,

And you can live with Him instead.

Now follow Him, go where He leads,

Eternal life you will receive.”

An Original Work / November 11, 2021

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