Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Friday, April 1, 2011

UnWrapped Presents

Friday, April 1, 2011, 7:50 a.m. – I woke from a dream with the song, Your Grace Still Amazes Me, playing over and over again in my mind.

THE DREAM: My husband and I lived in a place that had the appearance of a rectangular-shaped apartment, rather than a house. I was prompted by something to go Christmas shopping for our grandchildren, so, without even thinking, i.e. by habit or instinct, I went shopping. And, I brought the presents home, and I began to wrap them. I noticed a Christmas tree with lights on it in the northwest corner of the east room, and I wondered how it got there. Then, I was reminded, perhaps by my husband, that the tree was still there from last year, although I had not noticed it being there. There was also a tree in the room to the west, but that tree is more faded in my mind.

Anyway, I was in the process of wrapping these presents when, all of a sudden, I remembered that we had made a decision last year not to celebrate Christmas anymore. So, I was at a quandary as far as what to do next. If I continued this process, and I went through with this, would I not appear hypocritical? I tried to figure out, in particular, how I would explain this to my oldest son, for I had made such a strong declaration with him against the celebration of Christmas last year.

Then, my middle son and his family showed up. They saw I had purchased Christmas presents and that I was wrapping them. The kids were looking at the packages, which were crudely wrapped, which were spread all over the floor in this east room of the apartment. All of a sudden I realized that I had unwrapped presents on the floor, and that the children might have seen their gifts unwrapped, so I gathered up the unwrapped gifts, and I placed them into a container of some kind, out of sight of the children. These unwrapped gifts looked like little dolls or stuffed animals of some kind. END

Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. I read I Timothy 3:

Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task. Now the overseer must be above reproach… not a lover of money… He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap.

Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience…

Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great:

He appeared in a body,
was vindicated by the Spirit,
was seen by angels,
was preached among the nations,
was believed on in the world,
was taken up in glory.

My Understanding: I read several news stories: Libyan opposition sets conditions for cease-fire - http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/A/AF_LIBYA?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2011-04-01-08-21-15; 2 sets of facts in budget dispute - http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_SPENDING_SHOWDOWN?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2011-04-01-03-27-48.

First of all, I believe there are two uses of the word “rebels” in these news stories about what is going on in Libya (which, in reality, is really about what is going on in the world), and that is that the rebels are those who are 1) opposed to the “elephant,” (see previous writing titled “Brianna”), i.e. who stand in opposition to the new global super power, either politically or religiously or both, and 2) those who are opposed to those who are not willing to come under the authority of the new global order, which is yet to be clearly defined. So, that is why I believe the Lord has given me this dream about “wrapped” and “unwrapped” presents, i.e. the “wrapped” are those who are part of the ‘elephant,’ and those who are “unwrapped” are those who are not, at least not yet, part of the new global order.

I also see the “presents,” according to these news articles, as military forces and weapons that are being purchased by our government in the USA for the opposing forces, i.e. for our “grandchildren,” i.e. the children of this new global order, i.e. these countries that are getting involved with the ‘elephant’ in order to oppose western powers and to oppose believers in Jesus Christ. In another previous writing, A Holy Example, the Lord showed me 7 countries crossing over the one, and that made the 8th king prophesied about in the book of Revelation. It appeared the seven were seven Arab nations. An elephant is native to Africa and Asia. This also fits with what the Lord has been showing me about a shift in power, etc., yet he gave me a picture yesterday that this has not yet completely come together. I do believe this is leading up to the rule of the beast of Revelation.

The article mentioned hopes of discovering a political resolution to the calamity in N. Africa. I saw this in relation to me trying to come up with an explanation for the purchasing of these “presents” for the grandchildren, i.e. arming (wrapping some presents) our opponents. So, the resolution to the political calamity in N. Africa is for us (US/NATO) to buy military power for our enemies so that they can come against us and destroy us. When I saw that some of the presents were “unwrapped,” I withdrew them and placed them in some kind of holding device until I decided what to do with them, perhaps, or until they made their decision as to whether or not they wanted to remain “unwrapped,” or if they wanted to be “wrapped” by joining the “opposition,” i.e. those opposed to western powers, and more specifically to the USA, as well as those opposed to Christians and to Christianity.

I believe that what “prompted” me in the dream to buy these “presents” is to be compared to this UN resolution authorizing international airstrikes on Libya. It appears to me that this was planned in order to incite these Arab nations to join forces against the USA (western powers) and against Christians. This also has another supporting previous writing titled, The Fiery Red Truck, where France/NATO appeared to be driving this red truck, which appeared to symbolize Russia and China, backwards (getting them to back this no-fly zone in Libya) and on top of two other vehicles, one of which was clearly symbolizing Christians, but one could have, as well, been representing western powers, only I did not clearly understand what the other vehicle represented at the time. Again, the terminology of “the only major rebel-held city in the west” has appeared in these news stories, which, again, I believe refers to the Christian church in the west (the city on a hill) and the government in the west (another city on a hill) in marriage to each other, i.e. it refers to the institutional church here in the west that the ‘elephant’ is besieging. Those who are in agreement with the new global order, it appears, are the ones besieging the two meanings of a “city on a hill.”

The article mentioned the need for western powers to withdraw its forces from Africa, which I saw in the dream as these “unwrapped presents”, i.e. those not in agreement with the new super power (the elephant). These “unwrapped presents” are being removed from the floor. They had been in among all the presents, but now they are isolated in some container of some kind. The article states that the ultimate goal of this allied invasion of Libya is to kick Gadhafi from his position, and yet I see that the ones being “kicked” are western powers and any nations or peoples standing in opposition to the elephant. In other words, the unwrapped presents, i.e. those who have not taken the mark of this “beast,” whether it is officially that yet or not, I cannot say, are the ones being kicked by the elephant’s leg.

My middle son’s name is John and John Boehner keeps surfacing as having a very significant role in this new order and that he is really working for the opposition (those opposed to the west and to Christians). Who he really is will yet be seen, yet the Lord is showing him here as the ‘father’ of these grandchildren, i.e. of these nations that are joining forces against the USA and against Christians in perhaps a holy war that has been incited by those within our own nation.

The article mentions that these ‘rebel’ forces previously lacked weapons, which I see as these presents which we had determined not to purchase anymore, but that now we have decided to purchase in order to arm our opposition to come against us, which is where the real hypocrisy of the situation lies. So, when the article mentions “organized military units” it is speaking of these presents we purchased with US money which are wrapped, i.e. which now are with our opposition, i.e. we have purchased and have armed our own enemies to come against us in war, so this is definitely hypocritical, at best, and an atrocity of the worst kind to turn against your own countrymen and to hand them over to your enemies. But, it is even worse than that, because we have incited the enemy with false flag situations and have brought this on ourselves, much like we did with the bombing of Pearl Harbor and like we did on 9/11/01 when we authorized and armed our enemies to come and bomb the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers. We talk about terrorists, but our own government, or at least factions of them, is our own worst enemy. There is more, but that is the gist of it.

This Bible passage gives instructions on the qualifications of overseers, which has to do with not only our church leaders, but our government leaders, too. Our leaders are supposed to be living lives above reproach, but that is not happening in most cases. Overseers are also supposed to have a good reputation with outsiders, and that is not happening, either, in most cases, as our own leaders are contributing to our bad reputation world-wide so that the world hates the USA and they hate Christians, too, because they associate Christians with those who are murdering innocents world-wide, especially since the USA is supposed to be a “Christian” nation. So, the USA has fallen into disgrace and the USA and the church in the USA have fallen into the devil’s trap because of our leaders, both in our government and in the church, who have given way to Satan through the wrong kinds of alliances and the wrong kinds of actions toward the people of the world and people in the church. The Lord has always said that “what goes around comes around,” and he has been promising judgment on America for a long time. That day will eventually come. We can count on it.

This last verse in this passage of scripture is the gospel message in a nutshell. Jesus Christ, God, came to earth and became a man, i.e. he appeared in a body. He died on the cross, taking upon himself the sins of the world, crucifying our old sinful natures with him on the cross, burying our sins in the grave with his body, and rising again triumphant over death, hell, Satan and sin – the penalty of sin and the control of sin over our daily lives. He appeared on the earth after his resurrection for a period of time and then he ascended into heaven. Yet, he promised that when he left he would send his Holy Spirit to live inside of those who were his followers, to empower them, to teach, counsel, instruct, convict, encourage, etc. those who have the presence of the Holy Spirit living within them.

He also left instructions with his followers that once they were filled and empowered with the Holy Spirit that they would be his witnesses throughout the earth. He told them to go and to make disciples of all nations… teaching them to obey everything that Jesus commanded them, and that Jesus would be with them always in the person of the Holy Spirit of God dwelling within them. Now the temple of God is within those who truly put their faith and hope in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and it is this temple in which the “lawless one” is setting up his throne, i.e. he is coming against God’s people, the church, which is the city on a hill, a city without walls, because it is not a physical city or a physical temple, but it is a spiritual city and a spiritual temple of God in the hearts of men. And, it is this spiritual city on a hill that is supposed to let its light of the gospel shine for all men to see so that they can believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, too. And, one day soon, Jesus Christ will come back to judge and to receive unto himself his bride, this church, his body, who he is making ready as a pure bride fit for her husband.

Your Grace Still Amazes Me \ Phillips, Craig And Dean

Your grace still amazes me
Your love is still a mystery
Each day I fall on my knees
Your grace still amazes me
‘Cause Your grace still amazes me


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