Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Friday, July 5, 2024

Wayward Children

Wayward children, wandering souls,

Thoughtless people, varying roles,

Walk in darkness, seeing no light,

For from Jesus, taken their flight.

Have no mercy, walking in sin,

Self-indulgent, drinking their gin,

All about them, not about God,

But the many wear a façade.

Put a mask on, others impress,

Think they’re being such a success,

But they’re not, for time they do waste,

For the real world they will not face.

Live in dream world, taking up time,

They see their world truly sublime,

Entertainment, all about self,

Put the Bible up on a shelf.

Time is ticking, it’s ticking by,

But to their sins they will not die,

Walk with purpose, they will not go,

For the Savior they do not know.

God is calling, repent of sin,

Accept Jesus living within,

Make Him Lord now, Lord of your life,

Give up idols, to sin now die.

Walk with Jesus every day,

Read your Bible, bow to Him, pray,

Love the people with sincere love,

Life surrender to Him above.

An Original Work / February 9, 2024

“These people honor me with their lips,

    but their hearts are far from me.

They worship me in vain;

    their teachings are merely human rules.”

(Matthew 15:8-9 NIV)

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