Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Monday, June 10, 2024

Rejoice in the Lord Always

Fear, anxiety, and worry must be universally troublesome to most people because God/Jesus Christ warned his people, and/or he encouraged his people all throughout Scripture (and history) to not fear, to not be afraid, to not fret, and to not be anxious, but “in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,” (to) “present your requests to God. And, the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (see Philippians 4:6-7). 

One of the antidotes for fear and worry, thus, is to pray with thanksgiving, believing that God is going to answer, and to put our trust in God, knowing he has all things under his control, for fear is the opposite of trust/faith. Yet another antidote for anxiety is to rejoice in the Lord always and to sing songs of praise unto God. So, when Satan throws his darts of fear or doubt our way, we need to pray. It is essential that we choose to put our trust in God, believing that he has our circumstances under his control. And, we must be thankful, we should rejoice, and it is necessary that we praise our God in life, in word, and in song. 

Sometimes we worry because we have adopted the ways and patterns of this world, and because we daily take into our minds and hearts far too much of this world’s junk, philosophies, character traits, habits, and attitudes. Instead, we need to focus our minds, hearts, and attention on what has eternal value. We need to daily die to our old ways of living in sin and for self, and we need to clothe ourselves with our Lord Jesus Christ, and take on his character and values. What is important to him should be essential to us. And we should not only read or hear his word, in context, but we should put it into practice in our lives.

Rejoice in the Lord Always!  

An Original Work / January 26, 2013

Based off Phil. 4 & Col. 3

Rejoice in our Lord God always.

I say again: “Rejoice always!”

Let your love and kindness show forth.

Our Lord Christ will soon appear.

Do not let yourself be troubled.

Do not fear your circumstances.

In all of life’s complications,

Pray to God with thankfulness.

God will give you peace and rest.

Set your minds on things of heaven:

What is true and right and lovely.

Do not focus your attention

On the things that pass away.

Therefore put to death your old self.

Clothe yourselves with God’s compassion.

Put the word of Christ in practice.

Let God’s peace rule in your hearts.

Sing songs of praise unto God.

In all of life’s circumstances

I’ll learn to trust; be contented.

Whether I have none or plenty,

I will give thanks unto God.

I can live my life to please Him,

Because Jesus gives me His strength.

My God will meet all of my needs,

From his treasure chest in Christ.

Glory, praise be unto God.


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