Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Return to Me

Even though we, as believers in Jesus Christ, are underneath the New Covenant relationship between God and his people – his church – it is still possible for us to sin, and for us to wander away from our pure devotion to Jesus Christ as our only Lord and Savior, and for us to have need to return to our Lord in faithfulness and in obedience, and in surrender to his will (See Revelation 2:1-29; Revelation 3:1-22). 

Yet, even if we are faithless, God remains faithful to all his promises and to all of his warnings. So, we must be reminded that included in those promises is that he will bring divine correction and discipline upon those he loves, so we should be earnest and repent. If we humble ourselves before God in repentance and in choosing to follow his ways once again, he will renew, and revive, and restore us. That is our hope! And we can count on it!

There is also encouragement here for those who have labored in love in praying for the wayward church, in witnessing, in speaking the truth in love, in teaching God’s truths, in loving people with his love, and in preaching the full gospel message to the people of God and of the world. Our labor of love will be rewarded, for God will discipline his wayward people, and through divine discipline many will return to the Lord Jesus and he will restore them. Amen! This is a promise of revival, I believe! And so I rejoice!

Return to Me 


An Original Work / September 5, 2013

Based off Jeremiah 31; Cf. Rev. 2-3

I have loved you with an eternal love,

Which I give to you, in my faithfulness.

Keep your voice from weeping,

And your eyes from tearing.

You will be rewarded

With much fruitfulness. 

There is hope for you that My family

Will return to Me; live in victory!

Though I discipline in My love for you,

My heart longs for you that you walk in truth.

Turn your thoughts to your Lord.

Choose to walk in His ways.

Turn from your sins daily.

Follow Jesus Christ.

Oh, how long will you wander in your sin?

Give your hearts to Me; be restored within.

I will satisfy ev’ry weary soul

Who repents of sin; is renewed within.

Behold, days are coming;

It will surely happen;

Though I discipline them,

They will thrive again.

I will be their One and their Only God.

They shall walk in white; be in Me, made right. 


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