Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Battle for Truth

God loves us so much, he sent his only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die on a cross for our sins so that we could be free from eternal punishment in hell; free from slavery to sin day-to-day; and free to walk in daily fellowship with him, listening to him, and doing what he teaches us (see John 9:23-26). Yet, many people who profess his name do not give God the honor due his name. They do not show him proper respect. 

Even many of the leaders in our “churches” show contempt for his name. How do they do this? They do this through teaching a false gospel absent of the cross, i.e. absent of death to sin and of obedience to Christ’s commands under the New Covenant. They also do this through empty praise and worship to God, for truly many of these leaders are followers of humankind more than they are followers of Christ, and they live to please humankind more than they live to please Jesus Christ with their lives and ministry.

So, God is displeased with these disingenuous forms of worship. He would rather the doors of our churches be shut than for us to offer shallow forms of worship and praise to him, which may stir the emotions, but which do not produce changed hearts, minds, and lives for Jesus Christ. 

What the Lord desires of his people is that we turn from our sin, that we walk in obedience to Christ’s commands and to his teachings, and that we practice truthfulness and faithfulness in all we do, but especially in honoring him as our only God and husband. He desires that we worship him through the giving of our lives to him on the altar of sacrifice, living holy lives, pleasing to God. This is true worship, and this is the kind God requires.

The Battle for Truth

An Original Work / May 18, 2013 

Based off Malachi 1-4

Truth is marching, truth is marching.

I love you. Honor me.

Tell the truth. You’ll be free.

Sing My praise all your days.

I will give all you need.

Truth is marching, truth is marching.

Turn from sin; cleansed within.

Stand in awe of My Name.

Teach what’s true. Walk in peace.

Follow Christ, in His ways.

Truth is marching, truth is marching.

Show to God faithfulness.

Do not be adult’rous. 

Do not shed shallow tears.

Do not be insincere. 

Truth is marching, truth is marching.

I have sent messengers,

Who have giv’n my address.

They call for repentance,

And they warn of judgment.

Truth is marching, truth is marching.

I, the Lord, do not change,

So return – blessings gain:

Healing comes; joyfulness;

Freedom from your distress.


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