Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Thursday, June 20, 2024

When Miracles Don't Happen

When miracles don’t happen 

Exactly when we hoped, 

And things go on as normal; 

We don’t know how to cope; 

When troubles, disappointments,

Are foll’wing us around,

And sadness starts to linger,

And gladness turns to frowns;

When all the world around us

Is turning upside down,

And honesty is missing,

And faithfulness not found;

When liars and deceivers

Are pulling all their tricks,

And people start believing

Those who are really slick;

And, many who are faithful,

Are being treated bad,

Because they share the gospel,

And it makes people mad;

Then, we must look to Jesus.

He is our King of kings.

He is our Only Savior.

To Him our praises bring!

Our Lord will bring us comfort,

And He will show the way

That we must go to follow

Our Lord throughout the day.

We’ll trust Him with our future,

Believe He really cares,

Submit to all He purposed,

Our lives to His cross bear;

Believe in all He promised,

Surrender to His will,

And all that He has purposed,

He surely will fulfill.

Our Lord, completely faithful,

Has what is best in mind.

We will not be forgotten,

Our peace, in Him, we’ll find.

An Original Work / June 28, 2018

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