Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Refresh My Spirit, Lord

Sometimes our bodies get tired and need rest. Other times our spirits get tired and need to be refreshed, i.e. our emotions sometimes get drained, or even our spiritual lives might feel like something is missing. 

Sometimes it is because we lack true Christian fellowship with the Body of Christ, and therefore we are not getting the encouragement from others that we need. Or it can be because the body of those professing faith in Jesus Christ has been rejecting, mocking, ostracizing and/or marginalizing us, instead. 

There can also be times when we are under serious attack from our enemy Satan or when our brothers and sisters in Christ (or professing Christians only) attack us at every turn, or else they ignore, avoid, and snub us. Or it can be that we face much resistance when we share the gospel of Jesus Christ. And it is at those times when we need our spirits refreshed and our souls revived.

For me, my times alone with my Lord in prayer and in his word refresh my spirit, as well as does listening to and/or singing songs of worship and praise to my Lord, or songs of encouragement, hope, healing and leading in the ways of the Lord. 

And other times God sends along an encourager at just the right time to give me what I need in order to help me keep going. The Holy Spirit is the best encourager I know. He is the motivating force in my life which keeps me pressing on even in the face of many difficulties and persecutions.

Refresh My Spirit, Lord  

An Original Work / August 8, 2011

Based off of Psalm 51 & Matthew 11:28-30

Refresh my spirit, Lord. 

Revive my heart today.

Move me to serve You, 

Lord in all I do and say.

Be my heart’s one desire; 

my spirit set on fire

In pure devotion, Lord, 

to love you and obey.

Create within me, Lord, 

a pure heart, this I pray,

So I can worship You 

and yield to You always.

May all Your love and pow’r 

be lived in me, I pray,

So I might love as You; 

be Your witness today.

Jesus says, “Come to me 

all you with heavy hearts,

And find in me your peace, 

and give to me your all.

My yoke is light to bear,

‘cause I paid for your sin,

So you might be set free, 

and purified within.”


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