Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Religion vs Relationship

Religion is based in the teachings of man,

In forms and traditions in which they now stand.

Their customs, their idols, are what they now serve,

And from their procedures they barely will swerve.

The writings of man are the bibles they read,

While God’s word, the Scriptures, they rarely will heed.

For men tell nice stories that make them feel good.

They don’t tell the people the things that they should.

Religion leads one to feel good about self,

While sacrifice to the Lord – put on the shelf.

Commitment to Christ as Lord, not in the plan:

“Go through the motions, forget the ‘I AM’.”

Relationship diff’rent, now based in “The Word,”

In sacrifice of one’s life now to the Lord.

All because Jesus, His life up for us gave,

Our sins are forgiven, from sin we’re now saved.

Believing in Jesus, die with Him to sin,

Our new lives in Jesus now surely begin.

His Spirit now comes to live inside our hearts,

Now from our Lord Jesus, we do not depart.

We want to walk daily in fellowship with Him,

We want to obey Him and turn from our sin.

We want to walk with Him wherever He leads.

We want that now, on His Word, we’d surely feed.

We want that now, Christ our Lord, is all we need.

An Original Work / April 24, 2022

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