Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Perfect Storm

Lies, deceptions, all around.

Character actors on the ground,

Spinning, spin webs of deceit.

So that others they defeat.

Tricks and trappings are their game.

They treat all of us the same.

Getting us to fight each other,

Christian brother against brother.

Left and right, and black and white,

They want all of us to fight.

Chaos, chaos is their game.

They turn the world to insane.

Fakery, fakery – all’s about,

Getting us to our God doubt.

Wanting us to believe them,

Following in their diadem. 

So, they throw us a curve ball,

Echoes, echoes, through the hall.

Hoping we will take the bait,

And that others we will hate.

Then a prince in shining armor

Suddenly appears on the scene.

He’s got just the fix we need,

So that we can live serene.

“Peace and safety,” promises him, 

If we will bow to his diadem.

“No more worries,” so he says,

“Trust me, and I’ll be your head.”

But he’s a liar straight from hell

Who wants to put us in a spell.

Incantation, that’s his game

So the strong will now be lame.

So be wise. Don’t be a fool.

Put on your armor as a tool.

Fight the good fight of the faith.

And don’t e’er take of their bait.

Trust in God, your ONLY LORD,

Use that mighty, mighty sword.

Speak the truth and fight the lies.

You will then save many lives.

An Original Work / June 5, 2020

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