Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Her Story

I know this is a subject that not many people want to talk about, but this is a huge problem in the church today in America. It is the “elephant in the room” that no one wants to mention, and so it is not dealt with. But childhood and spousal abuse and sexual addiction and adultery are real problems that are not adequately and biblically being dealt with today. 

And so that leaves many children and spouses in abusive situations. And the answer is not always for them to go someplace else. Sometimes “someplace else” is actually worse. And that doesn’t actually solve the problem or help the addict to be free. So, we the church need to step up and deal with these issues, and give support to the hurting, and exercise godly correction to the unrepentant. For this is happening in Christian households a lot!

Her Story

Lost and all alone, and feeling so unloved,

Father was abuser, not felt mother’s love.

Felt so utterly hopeless, no way out it seemed,

Not the fairy-tale childhood that of many dream.

Frightened of her father, terrified it seemed.

Tried she to escape him. Life not so serene.

Never knew what hit her. All came by so fast.

So many abuses, numerous and so vast.

She believed in Jesus. Trusted in his love.

Sought him out for comfort. Looked to him above.

Trusted in his promises. Believed in his Word.

Best words coming from his love that she ever heard.

Met the man she’d marry, life with him to share.

Not the perfect romance. Loved him everywhere.

Not turned out like magic. Not a fairy tale.

Didn’t turn out like she’d hoped. Marriage for her failed.

Turned out he’s an addict, much like was her dad,

And he would not change for her, which did make her sad.

Then she remained with him as a faithful wife

For she did still love him, to stay with him for life.

Through it all she learned to not put trust in man,

To put her hope solely in God, to follow His life’s plan.

She learned to trust Him with her life, always, ever now,

And when life kicks her in the gut, to Him her life she vows.

An Original Work / September 10, 2022

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