Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Another Day

Another day on this world called earth

Another day that has been started

What will you do? 

Where will you go?

Will you be carded?

As freedoms slowly ebb away

Will you be different?

As mass confusion hits the scene

As we become the offering

Are you indifferent?

Do you know your master’s name?

Or are you playing unfair games?

He’s the answer!

Got a clue?

Will the truth be up to you?

Day to day we face the storms

Chaos! Chaos! Much alarm!

Here their idols on display

Making choices, much dismay!

The time is now! The day is here!

Will you to God your will adhere?

Something’s missing, but do you see it?

It’s in the air, but can you breathe it?

The will of man

Is on the stand

You think he’ll make it?

Not a chance! No happenstance!

In his flesh, he’s got no chance.

Watch him in his flesh

Speaking his address

Telling all his lies

Nothing he says flies

Wisdom he defies

Lust is in his eyes

God not magnifies

Will he continue in this madness?

Oh, his eyes, do they need glasses?

What will the answer be?

Do you know?

Or are you just following the show?

Are you aware of what’s in store?

Or else the truth, do you abhor?

Times are changing

Do you see it?

We’re not the same

No turning back

No time for wasting

No time for slack

No more time for being lazy

For this world is going crazy

Time for you to make decision

Will you follow Jesus’ vision?

The line is now drawn in the sand

There’s no more standing in the middle

Will you give your life to Christ?

Or now your thumbs will you still twiddle? 

The global force is on a mission

They’re following their preplanned vision

Their plan to make us all their captives

To get us to bow to their objectives

You can read about in the book of Revelation

There’re no surprises, it has all been told us

The beast and his false prophet – elevation

And Christians on the chopping block, they’ll scold us

So, give your hearts to Jesus

Let him hold you

In his tender arms

Let him enfold you

Turn away from your sins

Trust him with your life

And obey him right now

Both day and the night

An Original Work / October 8, 2021

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