Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Sunday, September 1, 2024

I Want to Draw You a Picture

Based off Revelation 2:1-29; Revelation 3:1-22

I want to draw you a picture,

Not for your mantel or fixture.

It’s drawn with letters and numbers,

Focused on those who do slumber.

I know your works and endurance,

How you’ve found in Me assurance.

You’ve abandoned love had at first,

So, for other things you do thirst. (1)

I know now of your tribulation,

Of those who do now worship Satan.

Don’t fear what you truly will suffer,

But be one who surely will conquer. (2)

I know where you dwell, Satan’s throne,

You have made My name now your home.

But among you are those who teach lies,

So the people to sin do not die. (3)

I know of your love, faith, and works,

Your latter works exceed the first.

But you tolerate much seducing,

The practice of sin not reducing. (4)

I know of your good reputation,

But that is not your situation.

So wake up and strengthen what’s dying,

And cease with your constant denying. (5)

For you I have opened a door,

For My word you do not ignore.

Your enemies one day will see

I’ve loved you, and that you love Me. (6)

And lastly are those who’re lukewarm,

To God’s word they do not conform.

So, I’m standing at your front door,

So hear Me, and not Me ignore. (7)

An Original Work / January 11, 2024

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