Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

You Loved Me

When I was lonely and afflicted,

You were there to pick me up.

You took me in Your arms,

And You tenderly held me.

Your love embraced me.

Your grace sustained me.

When my heart cried out to You

In my despair,

You did not shun me, 

But You let me know that You loved me.

Your grace forgave me.

You did not shame me.

Then I answered the call, 

“Here Lord, send me.”

And so You sent me to where

You planned ahead of time to use me.

Your mercy held me.

You did not fail me.

And, when trials and tribulations

Came my way to test me,

You gave me everything I needed

So that I would not fail, but would survive.

Your kindness blessed me,

And You caressed me.

And, when I needed the body of Christ

To lift me up

And to encourage me so that my

Heart did not fail,

You gave me friendships,

Their presence cheered me.

And, even when I walked

Through the valley of the 

Shadow of death and tears

Overflowed from my eyes down my cheeks,

Your touch, it healed me.

For, I believed You.

And, even now when I think

About all the many ways

In which you have blessed me,

So many ways I cannot count them all,

My heart, it thanks You.

And, gladness fills me.

An Original Work / November 27, 2019

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