Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Monday, October 14, 2024

Down for The Long Haul

When I last saw him

He was hunkered down

Down for the long haul

Got nowhere to run

Closed in his spaces

Time is not his friend

When will this be o’er?

Will it ever end?

Life is a changing

Change from day to day

Back and forth it goes

In so many ways

Fear and confusion

Messages galore

Keeps us a wond’ring

What’s for us in store

Who’s in the office

Running a tight ship?

One day it’s someone

Tomorrow it could flip

Global endeavors

Driving this, for sure

The masqueraders

Have us on the lure

Where will they take us?

Revelation times

They, mighty conquerors

Have us all in line

What is the answer

To all that it’s about?

Call on the Father

Don’t give in to doubt

Our Lord is with us

He’s still in command

He is not finished

Working out His plan

Trust in his mercy

Believe in his grace

He’s got a purpose

It’s all part of the race

Kindled with kindness

With love at its best

Jesus is longing

We live in righteousness

Too many wand’ring

Far away from God

Trapped in their idols

Give not, their Lord, a nod

Fully surrendered,

Few there are to be

Not many living

Down on bended knee

God is not willing

Anyone should die

Call to repentance

Is the truth, no lie

Sounding the trumpet

Gather all accord

Fully surrender

Your lives to your Lord

Time is a wasting

Don’t delay this now

Turn your heart to Jesus

And before Him bow

He will forgive you

Of all of your sins

If you are willing

To let Him live within

An Original Work / April 15, 2020

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