Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Your Heart

When I was inquiring of the Lord as to the lyrics to go with the tune he had given me, I was praying to the Lord, “Show me your heart, Lord. This is not about me. Show me your heart.” And, he did. Yet, he also showed me the hearts of people, in general, too. Many people in this world don’t know the Lord, and many who profess to know him are not living for him. Some of those are living in rebellion against God, while others are still in bondage to sinful life patterns. The way in which the Lord showed me his heart was to show me how much he loves us, which is why he died for our sins, so that we could go free. And, he is calling out to us to love him, to worship and obey him, to turn from our sins, and to serve him only. 

Your Heart  

An Original Work / October 24, 2011

Tenderly He speaks, softly so.

Gently He calls - His will to know.

Won’t you invite Him in your heart?

Humbly accept Him now.

Bow before Him with contrite heart.

May you obey His will.

Seek Him with all your heart and soul,

And your heart, His Spirit fill.

Jesus died to free you from sin, 

Giving you new life to begin,

Walking with Him ev’ry hour, 

Obeying His commands.

Won’t you trust Him to be your Lord?

His grace you can’t afford.

Freely He gives you peace within, 

When you turn from all your sin. 

Live for Him ev’ry passing day.

Meet with Him; read His word and pray.

Serve Him in the way He leads you,

Doing all that He says. 

Do unto others as you would

Have them do unto you.

Love them with Jesus love within you.

Your hearts to God be true.


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