Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Thursday, August 29, 2024

God's Sweet Amazing Grace

God’s sweet, amazing grace

I have met face to face.

He gave His life for me,

From sin to be set free.

It teaches me to pray

And walk with Him each day,

Say “No!” to sin and self,

Put Him not on a shelf.

From grace I learn to walk

And not of faith just talk.

It teaches me to live

For Christ, my life to give.

His grace, it honors Him,

The Word of God not dim,

It teaches to obey

Our Lord in every way.

An Original Work / December 23, 2022

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