Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Do Your Best

 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15NIV).

This song is based off 2 Timothy 2. It begins with a call to be strong and to endure hardship for your Lord. It encourages us to live to please our commander, Jesus Christ. It urges us to run the race by the rules and to endure all for the elect. Then, it goes on to challenge us to understand that we must die to ourselves and to sin if we are to live in eternity with Christ. If we want to reign with him, we must first of all endure to the end with the faith we had at first. If we disown him, he will disown us. That is solemn. Yet, if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, because he cannot be less than who he is. 

The passage continues with words of encouragement to do our best to present ourselves to God as workmen whom God approves, and who correctly handle the word of truth. We are cautioned against destroying the faith of others, by our own lifestyles, perhaps. Then, it tells us that the Lord knows who are his: those who turn from wickedness (who repent of their sins). We need to allow the Holy Spirit of God to cleanse our hearts of all sin in our lives, and then we need to pursue (put on) righteousness, faith, love and peace, and we need to flee evil desires, and instead be the Lord’s servants in obeying him in all things. 

Do Your Best  

An Original Work / November 7, 2011

Based off of 2 Timothy 2

Love You, Father, love You, Lord.

Be strong in the grace of Christ.

Endure hardship for your Lord.

Your commander, live to please.

You’ll receive the victor’s crown.

By the rules, run in the race.

Your Lord, you’ll see face to face.

Jesus Christ, raised from the dead;

Of your life, He is the head.

Endure all for the elect.

Love You, Father, love You, Lord.

If we died, we live with Him.

If we last, with Him we’ll reign.

If we disown Him today,

He will have to look away.

Even if we faithless be,

Faithful He’ll remain always.

He cannot disown Himself.

He’s our Lord and Savior, King.

He will reign o’er ev’rything.

Love You, Father, love You, Lord.

Do your best; present yourself

As one who’s approved by God.

Work as one who’s not ashamed;

Rightly share the Word of Truth.

Wander not from what you know.

Destroy not the faith of some.

God’s foundation; it stands firm.

The Lord knows those who are His:

Those who turn from wickedness.

Love You, Father, love You, Lord.

In a house are wood and clay,

Gold and silver, all array.

Some are noble, some are bad –

Cleanse your life, and you’ll be glad;

Useful to the Master’s work.

A pure heart – in righteousness,

Pursue faith and love and peace.

Bad desires you want to flee.

Gentle servant you must be.


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