Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Monday, August 5, 2024

Why are You Afraid?

Many throughout the world are presently being severely persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ and for their testimonies for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Numerous saints of God are being martyred because they refuse to deny the name of Jesus Christ, and they refuse to bow to the world’s system, and because they will not stop sharing the true gospel of salvation. 

Jesus said we would be hated as he was hated, and that as he was treated, so would we be treated, if we are his true followers. So, this should not take us by surprise when this happens. And, it is coming to America, too, because Scripture teaches us that in the last days this persecution will increase, and that the dragon will be enraged, as though he is not already, and he will pursue Christ’s true servants and witnesses with hateful vengeance. 

Yet, we are not to be afraid of those who can kill the body but who cannot kill the soul. We must believe that God is sovereign over all things – all events and all people - and that nothing can enter into our lives, outside of ourselves, but what he allows it, and he has a purpose in it which will bring glory to his name, and many to saving faith in Jesus Christ. 

So, trust Him. Rest in His love. Believe Him that He will work it all for our ultimate good. Divine discipline is painful, but necessary in order to mature us, to purify us, and to make us holy. We are not here on this earth for our own pleasure, but rather to honor and magnify our Lord God.

Why Are You Afraid?  

An Original Work / December 5, 2013

Based off Various Scriptures

Do not be afraid. 

Your Lord is always by your side.

Serve the Lord in righteousness

Before Him all your days.

Those who hate the light

Will not come to the Lord.

They fear their deeds

Might be noticed.

So, they hate the light,

And they embrace the night.

Do not be afraid,

Although your enemy attacks.

Dare to share your testimony

Of God’s saving grace.

Do not fear their threats,

But honor Christ, your Lord.

Be prepared to give an answer

For the hope you have,

With gentleness; respect.

Why are you afraid?

For all that’s hidden will be shown.

What I tell you, speak in daylight.

Let the truth be known.

Do not be afraid

Of those who’ll take your life.

Fear the Lord with understanding.

Trust Him with your life,

And give not up to strife.

Do not be afraid.

Take courage, it is I, your Lord.

Bow before Me; now adore Me.

Oh, why do you doubt?

Listen to the Lord.

Get up and bear His name!

Run and tell the world He loves them.

Jesus came to save.

Give Him your all today. 


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