Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Tell-Tale Signs

The tell-tale signs of liars’ lies

Are often seen within their eyes.

Their body language tells a lot

When they are then put on the spot.

They will not look you in the eyes,

Or else they’ll put on a disguise.

Pretending is part of their game,

They shift from truth and others blame.

Forgetful are they, truth not tell,

Their made up stories straight from hell.

They tell the same stuff o’er and o’er,

The truth you tell them, they abhor.

They will not listen to the truth,

For they are surely so uncouth.

They may pretend from time to time

That what they’re doing’s not a crime.

The truth they not tell bothers them,

For it exposes lies, and then

It calls them to repent of sins

And to the Lord be obedient.

But they’re content within their lies

To live and put on a disguise.

The fear of God, they have not known,

And so in Him they have not grown.

So life eternal not for them

And of their sins they’re not forgiven.

For they refuse belief in God.

They follow the road that is broad.

So be not like them, tell the truth.

Follow Jesus. Be like Ruth.

Go where’er your Savior leads you

Live the truth of what He feeds you.

An Original Work / August 6, 2022

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