Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Don't Fear! Go and Tell Them

Jesus Christ had just been crucified on a cross and had just breathed his last breath. The curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom, and a centurion who was witnessing his death declared, “Truly this man was the Son of God.”

Mark 15:40-41 ESV

“There were also women looking on from a distance, among whom were Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome. When he was in Galilee, they followed him and ministered to him, and there were also many other women who came up with him to Jerusalem.”

When Jesus Christ walked the face of this earth, he hand selected 12 men to be his disciples, most of whom he was training to be his apostles. But they weren’t his only disciples (followers). 

There were also women who followed him and who ministered to him and who came up with him to Jerusalem. And in Luke’s gospel it says that Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him but also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities. These women were helping to support Jesus and his disciples out of their own private means (see Luke 8:1-3).

See also: John 12:1-8; Mark 14:3-9; Luke 7:36-50 (my favorite)

Jesus Christ did not look down on women. He didn’t regard them as unworthy of him because they were women and not men. When he spoke with the woman at the well, he spoke to her kindly, and he was even kind to her when he talked with her about the men in her life. He was patient with her when she didn’t understand some of the things he was telling her, and he took time with her to explain the things of God to her. 

And Jesus basically sent this woman to tell men about him and about his message. And so they came and they listened to him and they believed in him because of the testimony that the woman gave to the men.

And there were women who evidently traveled somewhat with Jesus in his ministry and who ministered to him. And there were other women who ministered to him during his ministry on this earth. And he honored them, and he valued them for what they did for him. He did not push them aside or treat them as though they were not worth his time or as though what they were doing for him was of little value because they were women, and not men. But he honored them and he treated them with value and respect.

And then after he had died and risen again and some of these women came to the tomb only to find it empty, an angel of God told the women to not be afraid but to go quickly and tell his disciples that he had risen from the dead and that he was going before them to Galilee and there they would see him. And so they ran to tell the disciples. Then Jesus met them, and he told them to go and to tell his brothers to go to Galilee and there they would see him.

[see Matthew 28:1-10; cf. Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-18]

So, Jesus sent women to tell his disciples (men) that he had risen from the dead, so they were the first to bring the good news of Jesus’ resurrection to other people, including to the Lord’s male disciples.

Now, I know I have talked about this subject not too long ago, but this was the next passage and this is what the Lord wanted me to talk about today. And I think one of the big reasons this message needs to go out is that, even in 2023, women are still being treated as second class citizens and as though they shouldn’t ever give any messages at all from God to men. But the Scriptures only teach that women should not instruct men in positions of rule and authority over men. It doesn’t say that God can’t send a message through a woman that he might want men to hear. For, he did that!

And especially in this time in history in which we live, when so many “Christian” men are falling by the wayside and are being trapped in sinful addiction to what is sensual and lustful, and so the church, overall, is severely lacking in biblically qualified men to serve as pastors and elders of church congregations and to lead their families and their churches spiritually to walk in holiness and in righteousness, and not in sin, God is raising up women like these women in the Scriptures to serve him in taking his messages to the church and to the people of the world.

So, women, don’t be afraid to do what God has called you to do. And don’t be afraid to give his messages to whomever he sends you. Don’t usurp authority over men, but if the Lord leads you to say something to a man then say it, provided that the message is from God. But please be wise and discerning and don’t put yourselves in situations where you might be vulnerable either to compromise or to being taken advantage of. But don’t be alone with a man who is not your husband if you can avoid it. 

We need godly people in this day and time who are willing to take the Lord’s messages to the people of this world, and to the church, who are not afraid to speak the truth to those who need to hear it, even if it means being hated and rejected and mistreated in return. And there is a great shortage of godly men right now who are on fire for the Lord who are speaking the truth of the gospel to the people and who are willing to confront the lies of the enemy. So many have compromised with the world and with sin. 

So, if you are following the Lord with your life, and you are obeying him, in practice, and you are passionate about his truth and about righteousness and holiness, and with regard to putting sin to death, then speak out. Tell the people the truth and expose the lies of the enemy. Don’t be afraid. 

When in The Stillness  

An Original Work / September 26, 2011

When in the stillness of this moment,

Speak to me, Lord, I humbly pray.

Be my desire, set me on fire,

Teach me to love always.

Help me to walk in fellowship with You,

Listening to You; sit at Your feet.

Whisper Your words to me, 

Oh, how gently, guiding me in Your truth. 

While we are waiting for Your blessing,

Lord, in our hearts be King today.

Help us to live for you ev’ry moment,

List’ning to what You say.

May we not stray from your word within us,

Help us obey You, Lord, in all things,

Walking each moment, Lord, in Your presence,

Our offerings to You bring.

Help us to love You, Lord, our master;

Be an example of Your love,

Helping the hurting, lift up the fallen,

Showing them Your great love.

Teach them to love You, follow You always,

Bearing their cross and turning from sin;

Walking in daily fellowship with You,

Making You Lord and King.


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