Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Wedding

I also woke this morning from a dream. THE DREAM: My daughter was married to her husband, but her husband kept kissing another girl all the time, too, and right in front of my daughter. I finally told him one day to stop, or else I told the girl to stop kissing him. Then, my daughter divorced him. The next day she was ready to marry someone else.

She met this other guy at what appeared to be a college with very strict rules (like Bob Jones U.), for they were not even allowed to touch each other until they were married. This wedding was rather last minute in planning, so they were having great difficulty finding someone to perform the ceremony.

I asked around to see if anyone knew of a minister or a justice of the peace who could marry them, but I was told that their phone book was set up to where these people could not be reached individually, but we would have to go through a central number, like a service of some kind, but even that seemed unavailable. So, while we waited, I wandered around the building.

I found a room with a freezer inside of it, so I opened the freezer door to see what was inside. The freezer was on a north wall. All the way to the left in the freezer was a box of Nutty Buddies (ice cream cones with chocolate and nuts). I was excited over this discovery, but then I remembered we had not yet had dinner, so these would have to wait until later. The box was sitting closest to the freezer elements and the cones were getting a layer of frost on top of them, so I decided to move the box over to the right. There was so much stuff in this freezer that I had to push stuff out of the way and then kind of shove the box down into a spot and force a place for it more toward the middle of the freezer. It was my intention to come back for these later.

Since my daughter and her husband-to-be could not yet get married, we all went out to dinner at a restaurant. I went into a section to the north on the east side of the restaurant, and I announced to everyone sitting in the restaurant that my daughter was getting married, that she and her intended were at a particular military base (fort), but that she needed a minister or a justice of the peace to perform the ceremony, and I was wondering if anyone could recommend someone to us.

The next thing I remember is being back on the college campus. My daughter was now married to the new guy. I asked her why she divorced her husband. She didn’t remember. She said she would check her journal or calendar to see why she divorced him. We talked about how he kept kissing that other girl all the time. I asked her if she had ever talked with him about that, and indicated that she had never mentioned it to him. END

My Understanding: The news stories about Libya and Gadhafi overlap what is going on and has gone on in all of the world, including in the USA, which is that the countries (nations) of the world are being taken over by the New World Order (culminating in the beast of Revelation). So, the “daughter,” in one case is Libya and in another case she is the US, in particular our Homeland Security Division. So, the “husband” that the “daughter” divorced, whose name means “wolf” in real life, represents nations who have divorced their governments in favor of marrying the New World Order (their new form of government in each case), only I am not so sure that the nations themselves really had any say in it.

In other words, in all of these uprisings, NATO has played both the role of the government of these nations and NATO has also played the role of the rebels, insurgents and terrorists, so it is difficult to ascertain really what roles the people of these nations actually played in all of this and how much was pure orchestration for the benefit of the public. One article stated that it was the international community that was responsible for asking Gadhafi to leave office, so in that case, my “daughter” would represent the “international community,” which is really another word for the New World Order, or is most certainly the precipitating force leading up to the rule of this new global government.

I saw in the news articles about Gadhafi that he was being asked to step down. In a previous dream (from yesterday) it was Assad who was being asked to step down and he and I were both on the descending steps. I had to step down these steps in order to cross the street to go into the house we are buying which we are supposed to close on in three weeks (representing but not necessarily literally meaning 9/11/11). I am usually representing the USA, though there have been some exceptions. Ultimately the USA will come under the complete rule of the N.W.O. and our present form of government will “die.” It is inevitable, because the Bible prophesies that it will be so, and I believe the Bible. I believe the Lord is showing me that the time is close, though I am not sure how close.

There are all kinds of foreign “ministers” in these news articles who help perform the “marriage ceremony,” as well as bringing these national leaders to “justice” is mentioned, which I saw as the justice of the peace, the N.W.O, who is working to perform these marriage ceremonies. So, in the name of “justice,” “liberty,” and “freedom,” this new global government, no matter what you call it, is working both sides in the nations of the world to create chaos and then to come in as the “Savior” to bring liberty and freedom to the people of these nations, yet it is nothing of the kind. They are bringing the rule of Satan to the nations of the world and the people of the world, only here in America, we still don’t get it and we believe (most do) that we are a Christian nation and we are one nation under the one true and only God and that our leaders and military are really working to ensure our freedoms, but 9/11/01 was proof that that is a myth and so are all these supposed uprisings and government takeovers all over the world, and we are next.

The people of Libya supposedly have a nickname for Gadhafi, which is “frizz-head.” I also read where “frozen” Libyan assets would soon be released. Of course, I knew this was directly related to the “Nutty Buddies” in the freezer which had frost (frizz?) on top of what could be considered a head of the ice cream cones, as well as the frozen assets would certainly be what was being considered in this dream with the illustration of the frozen “Nutty Buddies,” so, and I don’t know this for sure, it sounds like maybe some of these leaders are “on ice” and they will soon be released, but I don’t know. I just know there is a connection between these frozen assets, whatever they might be, and these Nutty Buddies that I relocated more centrally in the freezer in order to keep them from getting too frosty and to preserve them for a later time. Time will tell what this means.

In the dream, I publicly announced my daughter was getting married and was in need of a minister or a justice of the peace to perform the ceremony. In this first article (referenced below), the rebels made a public announcement of a free Libya, so again, Libya is not free but is being forced into a marriage relationship via NATO, world ministers, the “justice of the peace,” i.e. NATO, the international community, alias the New World Order. In other words my daughter is part of the New World Order and her new husband is the New World Order and the marriage has taken place and now it is just a matter of time to where it becomes really obvious to the American public that we have been sold out. I am pretty sure the people of these other nations are a little bit more conscious of what is really going on world-wide than what we, in America, are aware of, but I could be wrong.

The phrase “the end is near” kept showing up in these news articles. They were speaking of the end of Gadhafi’s rule, yet they were speaking, tongue in cheek, about the end of the world as we know it, too, for this is the end of the rule of all independent nations and the beginning of a marriage to the beast of Revelation in which a one world rule of government will rule the earth for a time, times and half a time. And, that does mean, literally, that the end is near – the end of life as we have known it on this earth.

This second article (referenced below) spoke of events evolving rapidly, which made me think of how my daughter divorced her husband, the wolf, one day and was planning to marry the new guy the next day and how I felt that was really fast. So, the events that are taking place worldwide in all these nations that have been in upheaval are directly related to the swiftness now in which the New World Order is taking over the world and will soon rule the earth.

I am not certain who the “other woman” was that the “wolf” was kissing, but I do know that kissing involves lips from one person touching the lips of another, and I do know that lips have to do with speech, and I also know from previous dreams that kissing can have to do with one person putting words into the mouths of another, and I also know that what we read in the news about what is going on in these nations, and even in our own, is mostly, if not all lies, deceptions, made up stories, etc. Yet, I don’t quite get this one yet.

In the next article (referenced below) about post-9/11 data looking blurry, this brought to mind how my daughter didn’t remember why she divorced her husband and she did not seem to have recollection of ever confronting him about his kissing of this other woman, either. As I read this article, I was struck with the similarities between the wording here and the part of the dream about my daughter forgetting why she divorced her husband and her having to look in her journal to find out why. This article talked about how, for homeland security purposes, images on Google maps might appear blurry over some areas of New York, which then brings to mind how the events of 9/11 are directly related to factions within our government divorcing the rule of law of the USA and divorcing its people in favor of this new world order (global rule), and so much that they were willing to kill nearly 3,000, I believe it was, innocent civilians that day in order to advance their goal of a one world order of rule of the world. They have purposefully kept the truth from the people.

Then, in this last article (referenced below) concerning Libya, once again, it speaks of “restarting” oil and gas manufacturing. I saw the starting over as this new marriage to the New World Order and that they are the new form of government in Libya and they are the ones to benefit directly from these natural resources of this nation. For the beast of Revelation to make everyone worship him if they want to buy or sell, he has to have control of all the natural resources of the world so that we have to go to him if we want to survive, but don’t do it! Turn to Jesus Christ and let him take care of all your needs!! Interestingly enough, the article stated that “three weeks” was the target time frame for when all this transition should take place. Three weeks was in my previous dream, and three weeks from yesterday is 9/11/11. I am not a date setter. I am just reporting what I read.

Libyan rebels claim control of most of Tripoli
World urges Gadhafi to surrender
AP IMPACT: Uneven post-9/11 data-cloaking persists
Oil price down as rebels capture most of Tripoli

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