Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Monday, October 5, 2020

What is God Thinking?

Why Do You?

Isaiah 55:1-3a ESV


“Come, everyone who thirsts,

    come to the waters;

and he who has no money,

    come, buy and eat!

Come, buy wine and milk

    without money and without price.

Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread,

    and your labor for that which does not satisfy?


The church at large in America has been moving further and further away from the Lord and from his truth for many years now. In the 1950s and beyond they partnered with the US government in an unholy union via the 501c3. That put the government in a position of authority over the church.


So, they disobeyed God in several areas. They unequally yoked together with unbelievers, they turned the Lord’s house into a marketplace (incorporated the church), and they put above God another god, i.e. the government and the world of big business.


Then they began to market the church to the world with worldly methods and marketing schemes in order to attract the world to the “church.” Thus, they began to pattern the church gatherings after the world to attract the world to the “church.”


Pastors began reading marketing books and taking training in how to grow their “churches” (their businesses) following one main religious leader (Rick Warren) and his books, and thus many of them pushed the Holy Spirit right out of the church gatherings.


Pastors turned into comedians and entertainers to attract the world. Worship services turned into stage productions and into comedy and game shows to entertain the masses. And, the Bible was replaced with books written by mere mortals, and many of those books included false teachings.


Then, they also altered, manipulated, and twisted the gospel message to appeal to the world and to the flesh of man. They removed all requirements for walking in the fear of God, submitting to Christ as Lord, repenting of sin, and walking in obedience to His commands.


They cheapened God’s grace so much that they turned the narrow road that few travel into the broad road that many travel, which leads to destruction. And they give their adherents free license to continue living in sin without guilt and without the necessity of repentance or obedience.


Seek the Lord

Isaiah 55:2b-3a, 6-7 ESV


“Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good,

    and delight yourselves in rich food.

Incline your ear, and come to me;

    hear, that your soul may live.”


“Seek the Lord while he may be found;

    call upon him while he is near;

let the wicked forsake his way,

    and the unrighteous man his thoughts;

let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him,

    and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.”


God has been confronting the adulterous church with her sins for many years now through his various servants and messengers, but still she moved further away from the Lord and from his truth, and she did not repent of her adultery or her idolatry, despite his warnings of divine judgment.


And, he is still calling out to her, although, at this point, I believe she is already under judgment. And he is confronting her with her sins and with the lies she is believing, and he is proclaiming the truth of his gospel to her in order that she might repent and obey him.


He is letting her know that he did not die on that cross just so she would be forgiven her sin and just so she could escape hell and go to heaven one day. He died that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; that we might no longer live for ourselves, but for him who gave his life up for us (1 Pet 2:24; 2 Co 5:15, 21).


When Jesus died on that cross, he shed his blood for us to buy us back for God (to redeem us) so that we would now be God’s possession, and that he would be our Lord (owner-master), and that we would now glorify God with our lives and with our bodies (1 Co 6:19-20).


Jesus was put to death on that cross so that we would be crucified with him in death to sin and raised with him to newness of life in him, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. He died for us to deliver us out from our slavery to sin and to empower us to walk in his righteousness (Rom 6:1-23; Rom 8:1-17; Lu 9:23-26; 1 Jn 1:5-9; Eph 4:17-24; Tit 2:11-14).


Therefore, we must walk according to the Spirit and not according to the flesh if we want to have salvation from sin and eternal life with God.


For, if we sow to please the flesh, we will from the flesh reap destruction. But if we sow to please the Spirit, from the Spirit we will reap eternal life (Gal 5:16-24; Gal 6:7-8; Rom 2:6-8; 2 Co 5:10; Eph 5:3-6; 1 Jn 1:5-9).


God doesn’t think like we do

Isaiah 55:8-9 ESV


“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

    neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

    so are my ways higher than your ways

    and my thoughts than your thoughts.”


During all this time the beast (of Revelation) has been rising. And he (they, it) has been conquering nations and peoples and Christians just as prophesied in Revelation 13. And, the USA is the harlot, I believe, which has been riding the beast but who the beast hates and intends to destroy.


Basically, who we believe our government leaders are is false, for they are mere actors on a stage playing their roles in a temporary position until the new world order can take hold and take their place. Thus, the de facto government of the USA is a group of elites of this New World Order.


And God is using them to judge his adulterous people in order to bring them to repentance and to renewed faith and submission to Christ as Lord. And, so the institutional church is being judged, and it is being brought down as is our present form of government.


So, out of the ashes of the old religious system and out of the ashes of the old systems of government in the nations of the world a new order can rise which is of this beast, which is presently taking down the US government. And our “leaders” are party to this take down.


But the Lord’s goal is that out of this judgment on his adulterous people that revival will take place and many will make their hearts right with God, and the gospel will go forth and many will be saved before our Lord returns. So, we should expect that this is what is happening now.


Broken Cord


An Original Work / August 29, 2018


Your bond is broken

With your Lord and Savior

And, your testimony is

Separate from Him.


Your words not matching

Your actions today.

Repent of your sin and

Bow down and pray.


Live what you testify

In truth always.


Purity’s lacking in

Your life and witness,

For you profess one thing,

But other you do.


Not moral, spiritual.

Still of the flesh.

Not living in truth to

What you confess.


Lying about it

Puts you in a mess.


Living a lie is your practice,

‘tis true of you.

Masquerade righteousness –

None of it true.


Your heart is not given

To your Lord God.

Because of how you live,

You are a fraud.


Turn from your sin and

Give your life to God.



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