Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Marching Orders

Sunday, September 25, 2011, 5:40 a.m. – The song, “Remain in Him,” was playing in my mind when I awoke this morning. Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. I read 1 Corinthians 6:1-11:

Lawsuits Among Believers

If any of you has a dispute with another, dare he take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the saints? Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, appoint as judges even men of little account in the church! I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers? But instead, one brother goes to law against another—and this in front of unbelievers!

The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers.

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

I also woke this morning from A DREAM: A group of us were outdoors. I was getting ready to go inside a restaurant to eat with some people. David was busy going here and there. I asked him if he wanted to join us, but he declined. John was outside when we went inside the building. The restaurant appeared to be inside a very large building with multiple rooms inside, as well as it was on a second or third floor in this building.

Then, I heard John crying. So, I went running downstairs to find him. I must have assumed he was still outside. Yet, as I ran down the stairs, his voice became faint, i.e. I could tell I was not headed in the direction of his voice. So, I called out to him, “John, where are you?” And, then I heard him. He was upstairs from where I had just come.

So, I ran back upstairs to find him. It looked as though a piece of railing had now broken off in my hand. It was about a foot long, I think. I was now carrying it in my hand as I ran back up the stairs to find John. I reached John and I saw that he was injured. The front part of his leg, where his leg and foot join together (connect) looked like he had gotten a huge chunk of skin cut out. The injured area, a deep crevice in his skin, was in the shape of a circle and was about an inch deep into his skin. There was another area above it that was injured, as well, but it was not as deep. My immediate thought was to take John to the hospital. END

My Understanding: I read several news stories, which I will reference below. I am going to paraphrase them to some extent as I believe the Lord is applying this dream to these news stories to give me a picture of what is really going on behind the lies. Most of what we read or hear in the mainstream media these days is government controlled and is mostly made up stories for the benefit of the American people in order to manipulate and deceive us into believing their lies. So, the Lord gives me dreams and visions to show me the truth behind the lies, and then I share what he shows me to the best of my understanding.

Obama’s Speech

What I believe is behind Obama’s speech is not really a political message to the black caucus to support and to vote for him in the next election. I believe this is a message to the world to get behind and to support the New World Order and its global takeover of the nations of the world. I believe I am representing this global order in a leadership role, though I am not certain exactly who I represent. I believe John represents humanity, in general, though I do also believe he is more specifically representing American citizens or perhaps more specifically Christians throughout the world. The building with the restaurant represents the U.N. or this global order’s organization, and the meal is the one we are all being invited to, i.e. to partake in this global order. David often represents kings and/or kingdoms, which I believe are being invited to join the New World Order but who are declining the invitation, which is why the innocent people of the world are being injured and killed in order to put pressure on these rulers of nations to comply with the N.W.O.

When I heard John crying, I ran to find him and ended up with a piece of railing in my hands, which I carried like a stick on my way to find him. One of the meanings of railing has to do with criticizing, protesting or objecting, attacking, denouncing and/or condemning. This takes me to Obama’s speech in which he was telling the black caucus to stop crying. He told them to put on their advancement boots and to follow him in a fight. He spoke about the future and faith. He spoke about winning a battle and the people’s need to unite behind him in support of his mission. He spoke of hurting people; people scarcely alive, and he voiced concern that so many folks were warring against “us” every stage in “our” progression toward some goal. Then he called for the humans to put on their war footwear and to stop bawling, and to keep going forward.

The article about Obama’s speech stated that a Rep. Cleaver, from Missouri, expressed concern over what he considered a concession to the GOP by Obama which he called a “sugar-coated Satan sandwich.” I believe this is the meal that the kings and rulers of this world are being invited to and it is definitely being sugar-coated in our news to make it look like we are going around the world helping these poor nations to gain democracy and freedom, when it is nothing of the kind. This is definitely of Satan and is leading up to the rule of the beast of Revelation over the entire world. That is why the injury on John’s leg, right at the point on his leg where he would be tying boot strings snugly against his leg, was a deep wound and in the shape of a circle (global order). And, the message that is really behind Obama’s message is a “railing” to the world. So, in this sense, I am representing Obama in this dream and the real concession is to unite with the New World Order.

In essence, what Obama is saying to the world, I believe, is that the kingdoms of this world need to stop their bawling over our advancements against them, our killing of their innocent civilians, our takeover of their governments, their lands, their natural resources, et al, and that the leaders of these nations, including the Congress of the USA and state leaders, need to get behind Obama and the N.W.O. and cooperate, support and unite with the N.W.O. I believe these advancement boots tied around the ankles of the people of the world are like shackles of slavery which have caused this deep wound into the skin right at the junction between the leg and the foot. The future Obama is speaking about, I believe, is this rule of the beast over the entire world where we cannot buy or sell unless we have its mark. The folks he said were warring against us are the people of the world who don’t want the N.W.O. forced upon them. And, all of the lies being told us are the “sugar-coated Satan sandwich.”


The second article is about the political situation in Libya. The Lord has been giving me dreams about this situation from the get-go. The two sides supposedly fighting against each other in Libya are a creation of the N.W.O. What is really going on there is the same thing that has gone on and is still going on throughout the world and that is that the N.W.O., of which we are part, and factions within our government are party to, are bullying the nations of the world into submission to the takeover of the N.W.O. throughout the world. So, it is NATO troops (which includes at least some U.S. troops) coming against the innocents and Christians of nations and even against U.S. troops who are either Christians or who are a threat to the takeover of the N.W.O. and they are killing them in cold-blooded murder. Our government in the U.S.A. is party to this. Our military is party to this. And, yet we proudly wave our flags and say “God bless America” and we lift up our troops as though they are the saviors of the world in helping these other nations to gain freedom and in protecting our freedoms. We need to wake up America! This is the beast at work, i.e. the “sugar-coated Satan sandwich” that we are being asked to partake in, i.e. to accept hands-down.

When I ran up those stairs with the piece of railing in my hands, this was the N.W.O. stepping up their advancement against the kingdoms of the world, including against our own. Their goal is to destroy the governments of the world so that they can take over. This hefty force by fighters in Libya and in the rest of the world is the N.W.O. pushing their way into control of the world, which Obama’s speech represents. The “stubborn strongholds” of these nations are their governments and the people who don’t want their nations to be taken over, their resources and lands stolen from them, and their people raped, pillaged and murdered for no apparent reason. This advancement produced this injury in John’s leg, i.e. this deep crevice in the shape of a circle (global order). This is the N.W.O. against humanity everywhere and against Christians (true followers of Jesus Christ). The new interim governments in these nations (and ours, too, though we don’t see it yet) is the N.W.O. in every case, including in Libya. The way it will unite us all together is via force.

The N.W.O. must take the governments of the world, for this is key to them spreading their control over the entire world. That is why they have no choice but to attack (railing against) these nations (and we’re on the list, too), because that is the only way they will gain world dominance and will finally be able to have the kind of rule spoken of in Revelation. And, that is where this is all headed.

This article spoke of, in connection with this shift in government, of a disaster controlling phase, which I believe the “hospital” represents in my dream to which I intended to take John with his injury. The article states that this organization should be commanded by folks who are effective, even if they are from among our own people, until the deliverance, i.e. the takeover, of these nations is accomplished and the N.W.O. is established in every nation of the world and a new body of law and rule and order is established. And, this is what Obama’s speech was really about and the real “railing” is not just verbal but comes with a stick in hand (weapons of warfare) and comes against the people of the world and tells them that they better stop their wailing and they had better get with the program and submit and subject themselves to the rule of the N.W.O., because they are coming to take us all over whether we like it or not, and it may be sooner than we think.

To the Word

So, with that in mind, in facing the reality of the times in which we live and the reality of the nearness of the events of Revelation soon unfolding in front of our eyes, in particular Revelation 13 where it tells us about this rule of the beast over the entire world, we need to look at the meaning of this passage of scripture and its application to our current and very real present world situation in which we now find ourselves. Paul talked here of how brothers and sisters in Christ were taking one another to civil court, i.e. they were involving the government of the land in matters that should have been resolved within the church. In other words, they were involving the world and unbelievers in civil matters between fellow believers in Jesus Christ that should have been resolved internally. And, not only that, he also addressed the fact that the lawsuits themselves were a sign that they had been completely defeated already.

I believe this goes to the issue of how the church has invited the U.S. government inside the church in a position of overseer, i.e. authority that often supersedes the authority of the church leadership. It also goes to the issue of the church adopting so many of the patterns, philosophies, teachings and marketing schemes of the world and thus the church has invited worldly counsel into the church. The church has adopted this false (a lie) notion that we, in the USA, are “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all” and US flags are prominently displayed near the altar in most church sanctuaries. There is a worshipful attitude taught by the church toward the US government, founding fathers, former US presidents, the constitution and flag of the USA, and our military.

We are taught inside the church to give pledge (guarantee) of our allegiance (loyalty; devotion; commitment; adherence; faithfulness; duty) to the US government (represented by the flag) with our hands (our deeds) over our hearts (center of emotion). This is deliberate, folks! We were indoctrinated within the church to support and follow the USA government, to believe in them, to be loyal to them at whatever cost, etc. The Bible says that Jesus Christ (God the Son) is the only one deserving of such heart devotion. We need to wake up! Because of this, we have been completely defeated, i.e. most Americans (including Christians) do not question the words or actions of our federal government and we believe their lies. We are a deceived people! And, most don’t want to even hear it.

Yet, we were saved by Jesus Christ through his death on the cross for our sins and through his resurrection in conquering our sin so that we could go free. We were cleansed from sin and from our old lives so that we could walk new lives in Christ, free from the control of sin and free to walk in obedience to Jesus Christ. We should no longer live according to the pattern of this world, but we should daily be being renewed in the attitude of our minds so that we have the mind of Christ in these matters. We have to stop being man followers and we need to be followers of God. We have to stop believing the lies and we need to seek out and find the truth and be willing to accept the truth, most of which is spiritually discerned. And, we need to stop trusting everything we read or hear in the news so that we are not supporting the beast of Revelation thinking we are supporting the good guys. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. We are a deceived people in America and we need to wake up and listen to what the Spirit of God is saying to us about the times in which we live and we need to start being followers of Christ alone and pledge our full allegiance to him from our hearts.

Remain in Him / An Original Work / September 23, 2011

Based off of John 15:1-17


Walk with Jesus.
He’s your Savior.
He invites you;
Be His servant.
Obey His word.
Do what He says.
Sit at His feet.
Worship your Lord.
Call Him master.
Obey Him now.
Turn from your sins.
On your knees bow.
He’ll restore you,
If you ask Him;
Forsake your ways;
Your cross bearing;
Follow Jesus.

Follow Jesus
Where He leads you.
Abide with Him;
His words in you.
Remain in Him,
Bearing His fruit.
God will hear you
Because He cares.
Be His foll’wers.
Stay in His love.
Peace He’ll give you
From up above.
Love your neighbors,
Enemies, too.
You’ll be God’s friend.
He won’t leave you.
He appoints you.


Walk in fellowship with
Jesus, Savior and friend.
He’s invited you to
Be His servant again.
Obey all His commands,
And do all that He says.
Sit at His feet each day.
Worship Him for always.
Call Him master and King.
Obey Him in all things.
Turn from all of your sins.
Live in vict’ry again.
He’ll restore you today,
If you call Him and pray;
Forsake all of your ways;
Take up your cross today;
Follow Him for always.

Follow Jesus your friend
Where He leads you today.
Abide always in Him.
Let His words dwell within.
If you remain in Him,
Bearing fruit from within,
God will answer your prayers,
Because for you He cares.
Be His followers now.
Remain in Jesus’ love.
You will know peace within;
Comes from heaven above.
Love your neighbors and friends,
And your enemies, too.
God will call you His friend.
He will ne’er forsake you.
He has appointed you.

Song lyrics @ Public Domain

Audio, song lyrics and sheet music:

Song on video:

Referenced News Stories:

Obama tells blacks to 'stop complainin' and fight

Libyan forces besiege Gadhafi's hometown Sirte

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