Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cutting In

Saturday, September 8, 2012, 5:45 a.m. – the Lord woke me this morning with this song playing in my mind:

Near the Cross / Fanny J. Crosby / William H. Doane

Jesus, keep me near the cross;
There a precious fountain,
Free to all, a healing stream,
Flows from Calvary's mountain.

Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
Bring its scenes before me;
Help me walk from day to day
With its shadow o'er me.

In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever,
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.

Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. I read Galatians 5:1-17 (NIV 1984):

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all. Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. But by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.” I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion will pay the penalty, whoever he may be. Brothers, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished. As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!

You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.

So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature.

True Freedom

Christ set us free so that we would be free and no longer under a burden of the yoke of slavery. Now, in this particular instance, Paul was speaking of slavery under the law, yet Christ set us free from other things, as well, such as slavery to sin, to legalism, to idolatry, to man-made religion and to works-based salvation (trying to earn our salvation by following a set of external rules, regulations or religious rituals). If we think we can earn our salvation by following a set of external rules and religious practices, then we are alienated from Christ and we have fallen away from grace. Likewise, if we think Christ does it all and nothing is required of us and that we can continue in sin, idolatry and man-made religion of any sort and still claim to know Christ, then we are, as well, alienated from Christ and have fallen away from true grace.

In contrast, Paul said that “by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope.” Externals have no value at all, whether partakers or abstainers. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. In other words, faith is not stagnant, it is not an emotional one-time experience or decision, it is not acceptance of or adherence to a particular set of rules, doctrines or religious practices, etc. Even the demons believe, and they shudder. True faith proves itself genuine through obedience to Christ and through action resulting from the faith, i.e. faith expressing itself through love for God and love for others (see Hebrews 11 and 1 John).

If you are inside your house, it is on fire, and I tell you that it is on fire and the only way out is to jump out the window into a safety net (representing salvation by grace), will you:

·         Remain in the building?
·         Try to reach the safety net while still holding on to the building?
·         Crawl down the side of the building slowly and gradually toward the safety net?
·         Or, jump?

These four choices represent four approaches to the gospel and to salvation, but only the fourth one is the correct choice (see Matthew 13:1-23 – Parable of the Sower). We can reject the gospel entirely, nothing changes, and we will burn up in hell. Or, we can make a pretense of acceptance or buy into a false gospel that does not require death to your old life (jumping out of the building into the net) by trying to grab hold of the safety net while still holding on to the burning building, and we will burn up in hell. Or, we can buy into the false gospel that requires no death to the old life and gives us the impression that we can kind of grow into letting go of our old lives of sin (the crawling down the building slowly and gradually toward the safety net), and still burn up in hell. Or, we can let go of our old lives of sin, and jump into the arms of Jesus (the safety net), totally abandoned to him, trusting our lives now into his hands with full surrender and obedience to his commands, will and purpose for our lives, and we will live with him in eternity.

Running a Good Race

Paul often used the image of a race to describe the Christian life (faith that is not stagnant). He said we should run in such a way as to get the prize (1 Co. 9). The author of Hebrews said that we should throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and run with perseverance the race marked out for us. How? – By fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy (of our salvation) set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame (Hebrews 12). And, Paul said that we, as soldiers of Jesus Christ, should want to please our commanding officer, Jesus Christ. We should compete as an athlete according to the rules, and we should serve Christ like a hardworking farmer (2 Tim. 2). Again, true faith is not stagnant. Christ does not do it all and require nothing of us. There are rules we must follow, which include turning from our sin (repentance – jumping out of the building), obedience (jumping into the safety net), loving God and loving others. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

Who cut in on you? What came to mind here is a couple (you and Jesus) dancing together and another person interrupting your dance with Jesus and claiming you as his or her partner. You are not dancing with Jesus and the other person, too, in other words. This other person has interrupted your dance with Jesus through lies and deception and has convinced you to dance with him (or her) instead. What a picture! This other person can be a legalizer who convinces you that you have to follow a set of external rules, such as religious rituals and practices in order to be right with God. For instance, someone may tell you that you have to give a tithe or follow the Sabbath or go to a building called a church on a Sunday morning and go through a particular set of religious practices for you to be in a right standing with God. You do not! We are free from the law!

Yet, the person who cuts in on your dance with Jesus may also be a libertine, i.e. one who teaches all-grace, i.e. that Christ does it all and that nothing is required from us. He may tell you that Christ does not require repentance and obedience for salvation and thus he would give you the license to continue in your sin. This is a lie! Christ died so we would be free, not only from the ultimate penalty of sin (eternal damnation), but so we would be free from slavery of sin day-to-day. Notice this person who cuts in keeps you from “obeying” the truth. This kind of persuasion does not come from God, but from Satan. So, if anyone is telling you that you do not have to turn from your sin and you do not have to obey Christ, realize they have “cut in” on your dance with Jesus and that their persuasion does not come from God, but from Satan.

Offense of the Cross

Paul said, “If I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted?” In other words, his persecution was the result of him preaching freedom in Christ and that we are no longer under the law. Jesus faced the same kind of persecution and for many of the same reasons. Paul also strongly taught that we must leave our lives of sin behind us and we must follow Jesus Christ in full obedience and surrender to him and to his will for our lives, and they persecuted him for that, too. Salvation by grace is neither legalistic nor libertine. We are set free both from the strict adherence to a set of external requirements and we are set free from slavery to (the mastery of) sin. True grace; the true gospel teaches both.

So, I have another question to pose: “If you are preaching the true gospel (the offense of the cross), then why are you not being persecuted, hated and/or rejected for the message?” Perhaps it is because you are not preaching the true gospel, which is supposed to be an offense and the smell of death to those who are perishing in their sin (see Ro. 9:32-33; 1 Co. 1:23). Paul (speaking God’s God-breathed words) said that we are called to be free but that we should not use our freedom to indulge in the sinful nature. When we teach that repentance is not necessary for salvation, then we are giving people a free license to continue in their sin. Rather, we are to serve one another in love. In other words, if we truly love people, we will not sin against them in any way.

Live by the Spirit

Instead of gratifying our sinful natures, we are to live by the Spirit of God, because the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. I wish we would get this! You can’t hold on to the burning building and try to hold on to Christ, too! We can’t have it both ways. The only way out of the burning building is to jump, i.e. to let go of our old lives of sin and to trust Christ Jesus completely with our lives (to trust in his Lordship).

We can’t please ourselves and Christ, too. Jesus wants us totally abandoned to him; fully surrendered. This is how we are to live day-by-day and moment-by-moment. This is a radical change of lifestyle from what we lived outside of faith in Christ. It is not something we just gradually and slowly grow into, like growing into fidelity in a marriage, though we certainly grow in our faith and obedience to Christ, just as a husband and wife grow together. Yet, if we begin with Christ thinking we can just sort of roll our way into obedience and kind of take it in increments, then we have begun with the wrong attitude in mind, just like if we begin a marriage thinking we can slowly and gradually work toward faithfulness and fidelity. The sinful nature is contrary to the Spirit and the Spirit is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other and cannot coexist. We can’t dance with Christ (be his partner) if we allow someone else to “cut in” and leave Christ out.

Jesus, Lead Me / An Original Work / July 22, 2011

Jesus, lead me all the way.
Be my hope and be my stay.
Gently lead me where I should go,
So Your Spirit, I want to know.
Open up my heart to You.
Fill me with Your love and truth.
Make my heart want to obey.
Be my Lord today. Gently lead always.

Jesus, lover of my soul,
Cleanse my heart, and make me whole;
Be transformed in my heart today,
As I turn from my sin and pray.
Make Your will known to my heart.
May I not from You depart.
How I long to hear You now,
As I humbly bow. Jesus, hear me now.

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