Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Thursday, October 9, 2008

New World Order

Thursday, October 09, 2008, 7:00 a.m. – This song is in my head: Draw Me Close / M. W. Smith

Draw me close to you
Never let me go
I lay it all down again
To hear you say that I'm your friend
You are my desire
No one else will do
‘Cause nothing else can take your place
To feel the warmth of your embrace
Help me find the way
Bring me back to you
You're all I want…

DREAM ONE: I was unmarried, my present age and past my prime for getting married. There were two young men I was interested in, but they were much younger than me. They seemed to both like this younger girl, which is normal, but then I think I kissed one of them (the one I liked best) and we ended up in bed together. We were lying on a top bunk bed together when the young man’s mother walked in the room and scolded him (us). END

DREAM TWO: In this one I had a husband. He and I went to a dog shelter of some kind and bought around a dozen dogs – all different types and sizes. We got paperwork for each one of them. We took them home and put them in the garage off to the right of the house (house was on the left) and we gave them food and water. I also thought that I would need to buy them some toys, though they seemed to entertain one another pretty well.

I said that we should name the dogs, so I asked my husband for the papers, but he didn’t know where they were. I asked him for the papers for two other items, as well, but he didn’t know where any of them were. I thought they might be in his briefcase, but he left for work before I could check. So, I looked around the house on all the surfaces until I finally found all the papers I needed on top of his dresser. I had to get my reading glasses to read them.

My daughter and her husband Randy (name means ‘wolf’) offered to help name the dogs, so they went out to the garage, but they forgot the papers, so I handed the papers to them through the doorway.

Then I was out there with them. They had opened the garage door to the outside, but the dogs were all trained not to run away, so they stayed close by. They were well disciplined dogs. We had to keep some of them, nonetheless, from drinking the water from a mud puddle on the ground just outside the garage door to the right, and then to train them to drink the water we provided them inside the garage.

Behind the garage was a doorway to a small room, maybe like a closed-in breezeway between the house and the garage and off to the right of that was a large open room that was unfinished and that had places in it where, if the dogs got in there, they could easily escape. One of the animals in the garage was sniffing at the door, only it felt like it was a cat. So, we made sure that we kept the door closed. END

Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. I read Lamentations 4 and 5 (selected):

Lamentations 4
1 How the gold has lost its luster,
the fine gold become dull!
The sacred gems are scattered
at the head of every street.
2 How the precious sons of Zion,
once worth their weight in gold,
are now considered as pots of clay,
the work of a potter's hands!
… 5 Those who once ate delicacies
are destitute in the streets.
Those nurtured in purple
now lie on ash heaps.
6 The punishment of my people
is greater than that of Sodom,
which was overthrown in a moment
without a hand turned to help her.
7 Their princes were brighter than snow
and whiter than milk,
their bodies more ruddy than rubies,
their appearance like sapphires.
8 But now they are blacker than soot;
they are not recognized in the streets.
Their skin has shriveled on their bones;
it has become as dry as a stick.

… 11 The LORD has given full vent to his wrath;
he has poured out his fierce anger.
He kindled a fire in Zion
that consumed her foundations.
12 The kings of the earth did not believe,
nor did any of the world's people,
that enemies and foes could enter
the gates of Jerusalem.
13 But it happened because of the sins of her prophets
and the iniquities of her priests,
who shed within her
the blood of the righteous.
14 Now they grope through the streets
like men who are blind.
They are so defiled with blood
that no one dares to touch their garments.
… 17 Moreover, our eyes failed,
looking in vain for help;
from our towers we watched
for a nation that could not save us…
20 The LORD's anointed, our very life breath,
was caught in their traps.
We thought that under his shadow
we would live among the nations...

Lamentations 5
1 Remember, O LORD, what has happened to us;
look, and see our disgrace.
2 Our inheritance has been turned over to aliens,
our homes to foreigners.
3 We have become orphans and fatherless,
our mothers like widows.
4 We must buy the water we drink;
our wood can be had only at a price.
5 Those who pursue us are at our heels;
we are weary and find no rest.
6 We submitted to Egypt and Assyria
to get enough bread.
7 Our fathers sinned and are no more,
and we bear their punishment…

15 Joy is gone from our hearts;
our dancing has turned to mourning.
16 The crown has fallen from our head.
Woe to us, for we have sinned!
17 Because of this our hearts are faint,
because of these things our eyes grow dim
18 for Mount Zion, which lies desolate,
with jackals prowling over it.
19 You, O LORD, reign forever;
your throne endures from generation to generation.
20 Why do you always forget us?
Why do you forsake us so long?
21 Restore us to yourself, O LORD, that we may return;
renew our days as of old
22 unless you have utterly rejected us
and are angry with us beyond measure.

Related News Articles:

White House considers ownership stakes in banks

Global gamble: the fight back begins http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/global-gamble-the-fightback-begins-955485.html

New World Order: Global co-operation, nationalization and state intervention - all in one day - http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/latestnews/-New-World-Order.4573452.jp

World finance chiefs heading for Washington for crunch talks - http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=081009060122.8tk2vw73&show_article=1

Aussies joke - and hope - that China can save capitalism

My Understanding: There was a difference in age between me and this young man (first dream) of '41' which then led me to George H.W. Bush who was the 41st president. He served with Ronald Reagan for 8 years and then he served as president for 4 years followed by Bill Clinton. So, in essence, in this 'bed' (together) were Ronald Reagan (me), George H.W. Bush (41) and Bill Clinton (the young man).

The gold has lost its luster = our financial crisis. A bunk bed is symbolic of one covenant on top of another, so this is representing this “New World Order” covenant on top of the Constitution of the USA – committing adultery against the American people, basically. In vv. 1-8 of chp 4, it talks about the sons of Zion, which in the context of this dream are these three men. And, it continues to describe how those once nurtured in purple (royalty) now lie on ash heaps (the bunk beds).

The Lord has shown me many times that this New World Order began with Reagan's administration. Bill Clinton's administration was the one that pushed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and other lending institutions into these high risk mortgages. It was even being discussed then that if this failed, that the government would have to provide a 'bailout.' I believe this was intentional, i.e. the plan all along in order to bring about this One World Order.

The people of America did not believe that we could ever be invaded; taken over. Yet, this happened because of the sins of our leaders (presidents and congress). I believe that in this second dream that my husband is representing George W. Bush and that I am Hank Paulson and we are purchasing these troubled assets and are “strengthening the capitalization of financial institutions of every size” (dogs).

The “papers” represent “ownership” in these troubled banks. And, we are keeping these “dogs” local via training them not to wander. We opened the door to the outside (opened for buyers on the Stock Exchange?) but the “dogs” are trained not to leave and to be dependent on the US government for their basic needs (liquidity). Paulson said, “We’ve emphasized the purchase of liquid assets” (Dream: water).

The scripture talks about “the Lord’s anointed,” who would be George W. Bush right now in America. The indication is that he “was caught in their traps.” We thought that under his leadership we would be safe – we were wrong. As Hank Paulson, I looked “in vain” for help for America (the papers), but the US can not save us. I also see these “dogs” as aliens and foreigners that have taken over our homes; our inheritance. They pursue us at our heels (like dogs).

In the dream a cat had somehow gotten in among the dogs, maybe when the garage door was opened, and it is “sniffing” at the door to the house. I believe, based upon previous dreams and also upon these articles I’ve read, that the “cat” is China. America’s “crown” has fallen, i.e. America is losing her super-power status and China is waiting in the wings. I keep seeing China as “taking over.” This will be God’s punishment on America; the full vent of his wrath; his fierce anger poured out.

Oh, in the second dream, I handed “the papers” to a “wolf”? As I read these articles, I saw that Hank Paulson selected Neel Kashkari, an assistant Treasury secretary, to be the interim head of the new program. Paulson is consulting Bush, Congressional leaders, Obama and McCain before choosing someone to fill the job permanently. Anyway, the person in the ‘wolf’ position is supposed to ‘name’ the ‘dogs.’ See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neel_Kashkari.

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