Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Our Strength and Song

In That Day
Isaiah 12:1-2 ESV

You will say in that day:
“I will give thanks to you, O Lord,
    for though you were angry with me,
your anger turned away,
    that you might comfort me.

“Behold, God is my salvation;
    I will trust, and will not be afraid;
for the Lord God is my strength and my song,
    and he has become my salvation.”

In what day? A day of judgment, a day of deliverance, and a day of salvation. A day when God judges his adulterous and idolatrous church, and through judgment, a remnant are delivered from their bondage to sin and/or from their adultery and idolatry, and they are united or reunited with the Lord in purity of heart, mind and soul.

The Plot Afoot

There is a New World Order of the beast of Revelation, of a group of wealthy, powerful and elite people of the world, who run the world and who are the de facto government of the USA. And, they are plotting the takeover of the USA and the world, most of which they have already conquered.

The virus, the protests, the riots, and the destruction of property of late are all part of the plan for conquering our nation and its people. But mostly or primarily this is about Satan conquering the saints of God who are followers of Jesus, and especially those who are spreading the true gospel of Jesus.

What we have been enduring so far this year on a national scale is about dividing and conquering us, and silencing all those who are opposed to Satan and the New World Order, and especially conquering and silencing those who are preaching the true gospel of our deliverance from slavery to sin.

So, first they create chaos and upheaval and crisis situations so that they can come in as “saviors” with a pre-planned solution for our “problem.” And, that solution is going to mean that we are all going to have to unify, and make peace with the world, and become of one mind and heart with the world, or else face the consequences. This is their modus operandi.

The End to Freedoms

So, this is not only about the end to America, as we know it, but it is about the end of free speech, and freedom of faith (religion), and freedom to worship and to believe in Jesus as the only way to heaven, and freedom to share the truth of the gospel with others, and freedom to expose the lies and the deceivers and the false teachings and the antichrist, too.

And, this is not liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican. This is of a one world order of which the US government is a part, and to whom our government bows in submission, and for whom our government works.

So, the whole of our government intends to end America, and to shame dissenters, and to demand total submission from anyone who disagrees with them, for they work for the beast. If we do not bow to them, and if we don’t stop talking about Jesus and sharing the gospel as Jesus taught it, then we will be persecuted, censored, and punished (Read Revelation 12-14).

For, their plan is to bring the whole world under a one world order, which is tyrannical and oppressive, the likes of Hitler’s regime, only globally, and to bring us all into a one world religion where we all agree to set aside all that divides us as a people in order to unite together as one mind and voice.

And, just because any politician claims he or she is not part of this global order doesn’t mean he or she is telling us the truth. So, don’t put your hope in any man or woman, but put your hope fully in the Lord. For, these days are just around the corner, and they are inevitable.

But these tribulations and persecutions are for our good, to bring the church which is living in spiritual adultery and idolatry back into intimate and obedient fellowship with the Lord Jesus, and to purify all of us, and to make us ready for the coming of our Lord and for the completion of our salvation.

And, for that, we should thank and praise the Lord that he loved us enough to do what needed to be done to revive his church and to make us ready for his return.

Oh, What Joy!
Isaiah 12:3-6 ESV

With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. And you will say in that day:

“Give thanks to the Lord,
    call upon his name,
make known his deeds among the peoples,
    proclaim that his name is exalted.

“Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously;
    let this be made known in all the earth.
Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion,
    for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.”

I am certainly not looking forward to what is coming, for it is going to be a very difficult period of time with much pain and sorrow. And, it will be a time of pure evil unlike we have ever seen before in our lives. But it is necessary that we endure this in order for the Lord to revive his adulterous people.

But the sorrow we will experience will be overshadowed by the joy we will also experience at the sight of people coming to faith in Jesus Christ, and adulterous Christians (or professing Christians) repenting of their sins, and turning away from them to follow Jesus in purity of heart and mind, and in surrender to his will for their lives. That will be glorious!

We will have much to be thankful for in that day, and we will have much to praise our Lord about. And, no matter what threats may be against us, or what persecution we must face, we must remain faithful to our Lord. And, we must continue to spread the good news of the gospel so that many will be saved from their sins before our Lord returns to take us home with him.

His Tender Mercies

An Original Work / January 26, 2014

Fear not! I’m with you.
Be not dismayed!
God watches o’er you.
Trust Him today.
He’ll lead and guide you;
Give you His aid.
He’ll love and keep you
With Him always.

Walk in His footsteps.
He’ll lead the way.
Trust in His love;
Believe that He cares.
He will not leave you.
Faithful He’ll be.
His tender mercies
Now you will see.

Fellowship with Him
Throughout the day.
Tell Him your heartaches.
He’ll heal always.
Rest in His comfort.
He is your friend.
Your faith He’ll strengthen,
True to the end.

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