Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Monday, November 2, 2015

Blessed Are You

We are blessed (favored; cared for; provided for; protected; and/or gifted) of God when we are poor (humble) in spirit, when we hunger and thirst after righteousness, when we have sorrow and anguish in our hearts over lost sinners or wandering Christians, and when we are hated and rejected because of our faith in and our testimony for Jesus Christ. We are to rejoice that we are counted worthy to suffer for the sake of the gospel. Yet, we must be careful to love those who hate us by praying for them, by doing good (what is beneficial) for them, and by saying kind things about them. We should always treat others the way in which we want to be treated. And, it is of no credit to us if we love only those who love us. We must show the love and mercy of Christ even to those who despise and mistreat us.

Blessed Are You / An Original Work / August 29, 2012

Based off Luke 6:20-49 NIV 1984

“Blessed are you;
Blessed are you who are poor
For God’s kingdom is yours.
Blessed are you;
Blessed are you who are hungry,
You’ll be satisfied.
Blessed are you;
Blessed are you who weep now,
For you will laugh with joy.
Blessed are you;
Blessed are you when men hate
And reject you because of Christ.”

“Rejoice in that;
Rejoice in that day and
Leap for joy; great your reward.
But I tell you;
But I tell you to love those
Who hate you; do them good.
Pray for those who;
Pray for those who treat you wrong
And say kind things of them.
Do to others;
Do to others as you would have
Them do; have them do to you.”

“If you love those;
If you love those who love you,
What praise is there for you?
Because Christ is;
Because Christ is kind,
Be merciful, just like He is.
Forgive others;
Forgive others their offense
Against you; be ye kind.
Hear My words and;
Hear My words and put them
Into practice, then you’ll be fulfilled.”

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