Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Your Way, O Lord!

Thursday, January 03, 2013, 6:57 a.m. – the Lord Jesus woke me with the song “Jesus, Lead Me” playing in my mind. Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. I read Psalm 84 & 86 (quoting 86 in the NIV 1984):

Hear, O Lord, and answer me,
    for I am poor and needy.
Guard my life, for I am devoted to you.
    You are my God; save your servant
    who trusts in you.
Have mercy on me, O Lord,
    for I call to you all day long.
Bring joy to your servant,
    for to you, O Lord,
    I lift up my soul.

You are forgiving and good, O Lord,
    abounding in love to all who call to you.
Hear my prayer, O Lord;
    listen to my cry for mercy.
In the day of my trouble I will call to you,
    for you will answer me.

Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord;
    no deeds can compare with yours.
All the nations you have made
    will come and worship before you, O Lord;
    they will bring glory to your name.
For you are great and do marvelous deeds;
    you alone are God.

Teach me your way, O Lord,
    and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart,
    that I may fear your name.
I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart;
    I will glorify your name forever.
For great is your love toward me;
    you have delivered me from the depths of the grave.

The arrogant are attacking me, O God;
    a band of ruthless men seeks my life—
    men without regard for you.
But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,
    slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
Turn to me and have mercy on me;
    grant your strength to your servant
    and save the son of your maidservant.
Give me a sign of your goodness,
    that my enemies may see it and be put to shame,
    for you, O Lord, have helped me and comforted me.


In reading this prayer of David to God, I could not help but note the various terms and phrases he used to describe his relationship with God – devoted (dedicated; fervent), servant (slave), trusts in God, calls on God all day long, lifts up his soul to God, God is his God (Lord), calls on God when in trouble, confident God will answer, praises God with his whole heart, and thankful for God’s love and deliverance. He loved God with his whole heart, mind and strength. God was his closest friend and companion, yet he honored him and revered him, too, as the Almighty God that he is. He loved to be with his Lord, to hear his voice and to obey him. Oh, that this might describe each and every one of us and our relationships with Jesus Christ day to day!

When we come to faith in Jesus Christ, we humble ourselves before God, repent of our sins and choose to leave our lives of sin behind us, and to walk in faithful obedience to our Lord. We also enter into a “marriage” covenant relationship with Jesus Christ as his bride. We promise fidelity, loyalty, love, honor, respect, obedience, faithfulness, and to cherish him above all others. And we treat him, or we should treat him, much like we would a first love with whom we are head over heels in love, and want nothing more than to talk with him, be with him, and share everything with him. That is the impression I get of David’s relationship with God when I read this psalm. He loves God and wants nothing more than to please him. This is true devotion, and it should describe each and every one of us in our relationships with Jesus Christ.


I also noticed the words and phrases David used to describe God – merciful, brings joy to his servants, forgiving, good, abounding in love to all who call on him, answers the prayers of those who trust in him, is above all “gods”, no deeds compare to his, creator of nations, great, does marvelous deeds, deliverer, Savior, compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, gives strength to his servants, and helps and comforts those who are his. God is all these things and so, so much more! We may look at David’s description of his relationship with God and see some parallels in our lives, or we may see where we are lacking in our devotion to and love and honor for God, and perhaps even see where David was not perfect in his devotion to God, but no one can fault David’s description of God, because God is absolutely who he said he is, and we can count on that!

Because God is all these things, and because of all the wonderful things he has done for us on our behalf, because of his great love, mercy, compassion and grace toward us, how can we do anything less than give him our all? We should be so grateful! We should love him so much! And, we should desire nothing more than to walk with him daily, to sit at his feet, and to hear his words speak conviction, encouragement, and/or instruction to our hearts. And, we should want to obey him with our whole being in every way possible. Jesus said that if we love him, we will obey him. And John, in 1 John, said that the way we know that we have come to know God is if we obey his commands.

His Way

To obey our Lord means to walk in his ways and to do what he says. In order to do that, we need to know what those ways are. And, the only way we are going to find that out is if we spend quality and quantitative time with our Lord each day in studying his word, in listening to what it says, and in obeying what it teaches us. We can certainly also learn through sermons, Sunday school lessons, Bible studies, books of godly men and women, and scriptural songs, etc., yet these should never replace our personal times in communion with our Lord each day, learning from him, fellowshipping with him, and praising and worshiping him. We should also test everything we hear and rely upon the witness of the Holy Spirit within us to give us spiritual discernment to know what is of God and what is not, because not everything called “Christian” is truly of God or is really the truth of God’s word.

Also, if we want to know God’s ways so that we can walk in his truth, which is what we should all desire, then we must rid our lives of everything that stands in opposition to God’s truth and to his will for our lives. In other words, we cannot spend a few minutes a day in reading the Bible and praying and then spend most of the rest of our free time veg’ing out on TV programs, movies, videos, internet sites, social networks, video games, entertainment, recreation, and/or any self-indulging and self-satisfying activities that do nothing to grow us in Christ or to fulfill the great commission, and especially those that feed our minds and hearts with what is contrary to God, to his word and to his will for our lives.

Undivided Hearts

The psalmist prayed for an undivided heart that he might fear God’s name. To fear God in this sense is to honor, value, acknowledge, respect, revere, stand in awe of, and obey him. We can’t do that if our hearts are divided in loyalty between God and the things of this world which conflict with his word, his will and his ways. We can’t be worldly and godly at the same time. We can’t mix the two together. We can’t shove God in a corner of our lives and give him the leftovers. We can’t be all about praising publicly sports figures, the super-talented, movie stars, cars, guitars, I-pads, computers, smart phones, sports teams, careers, or whatever gets our praise, adoration and cheer, yet never speak of our Lord in such audible ways and with such enthusiasm to our friends and companions, and not have divided hearts.

We also can’t give God a few minutes a day or a few hours a week at a church service and yet ignore him most all the rest of the time, and not have divided hearts. We can’t spend most of our time taking junk into our minds and hearts that is dishonoring to God and to the truths of his word and yet stand up and praise him in a worship service with our tongues and not have divided hearts.

If we want undivided hearts, then we need to give God our all, holding nothing back, being willing to obey him in all things and in all ways, no matter the cost to our pocketbooks, to our time, energy and resources and/or to our reputations. We can’t have one foot on God’s side of the line and another on the side of self, sin or Satan, and not have divided hearts. God wants us as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to him, which is our reasonable service of worship of him, no longer conformed to the ways of this world, but transformed in heart and mind by the working and power of the Holy Spirit of God in our lives (see Rom. 12:1-2). Then, we can have undivided hearts. And, then he can teach us his ways. And, then we can walk in his truth. And, then we can honor, respect, revere and stand in awe of our Holy God! And, we can praise and honor him, not only with our lips, but with our lives! Amen!

Jesus, Lead Me / An Original Work / July 22, 2011

Jesus, lead me all the way.
Be my hope and be my stay.
Gently lead me where I should go,
So Your Spirit, I want to know.
Open up my heart to You.
Fill me with Your love and truth.
Make my heart want to obey.
Be my Lord today. Gently lead always.

Jesus, lover of my soul,
Cleanse my heart, and make me whole;
Be transformed in my heart today,
As I turn from my sin and pray.
Make Your will known to my heart.
May I not from You depart.
How I long to hear You now,
As I humbly bow. Jesus, hear me now.

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