Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Much Encouragement!

Much Encouragement!

I always love it when I have happy and joyful messages to share, though ultimately, even the messages about sin, judgment, and the need to come to Christ in repentance and faith for salvation have a joyful goal and result. Sometimes surgery is required for healing. Pain is involved in the birth of a child, but the joy of the baby makes it all worth it. You’ve heard it said, “No pain, no gain.” So, even some of the toughest messages in scripture still have our joy, peace, security; our life purpose and direction; and hope of life everlasting at heart.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012, 7:15 a.m. – The Lord woke me with this song:

In the Sweet By and By / Sanford F. Bennett / Joseph P. Webster

There’s a land that is fairer than day,
And by faith we can see it afar;
For the Father waits over the way
To prepare us a dwelling place there.

We shall sing on that beautiful shore
The melodious songs of the blessed;
And our spirits shall sorrow no more,
Not a sigh for the blessing of rest.

To our bountiful Father above,
We will offer our tribute of praise
For the glorious gift of His love
And the blessings that hallow our days.

In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore;
In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore.

Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. I read Romans 8:18-27 (NIV 1984):

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.

We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.

Present Sufferings

Paul begins this section of his writing by contrasting our present sufferings to our future glory with God for eternity. If we fix our eyes on Jesus, and if we set our minds on things above, not on things of this earth, and if we do what we do in this life with eternity’s values in view, then we should have the correct perspective on whatever suffering we may have to go through in this life.

We are taught in scripture that we should rejoice in our suffering and that we are counted worthy to suffer for the cause of Christ. We are taught that suffering is a part of life, but for the life of the believer, it has a real purpose. The goal of suffering is to teach us to persevere, to develop within us godly character, and to grow us in our faith. When we respond correctly to our suffering, God can work his righteousness in us in making us holy vessels fit for his service. Suffering on this earth is a lot like the pains of childbirth, and our future glory in heaven is a lot like the joy of the birth of a new born baby.

Future Glory

When sin came into the world, God judged all he had created. Death entered the world. From that moment to the present time the whole of creation has been groaning – longing for the moment in time when Jesus Christ will return to earth and the saints of God will receive their eternal reward and our salvation will be complete. At that time, as I understand it, not only will the saints of God be liberated from their bondage to these earthly bodies that get sick, hurt, and are subject to disease, death and decay, but all of creation will be liberated from its bondage to decay and will be set free from the curse of sin. Yet, we know that those who do not believe in Jesus Christ will not experience this joyous freedom from bondage of decay but will be eternally condemned to punishment.

I like this picture of creation eagerly expecting the children of God to receive their future glory. I admit that I have a difficult time wrapping my mind around this subject of the creation waiting eagerly for this to take place, and so I will not attempt to try to explain it further than what the scriptures teach it. Yet, as I think of this in relation to followers of Jesus Christ, I believe this should be our attitude toward the time when Christ will be revealed from glory, when the saints of God will meet him in the air, and when we will be forever with our Lord. Amen! Eager expectation can be described as sitting on the edge of our seats waiting for a surprise we know is coming or the beginning of something for which we have been waiting and anticipating a long time. If we could get as excited about God as we do the things of this world and this life, we could shake this world for Jesus Christ!

We are Saved

We are saved for this hope of eternity with God, but not only the hope of our future glory, as wonderful as that will be, but for the hope of the change in our hearts and lives brought about by the grace of God, and through the work of heart transformation of the Holy Spirit, as we cooperate with God and his work. Our hope is not just future, though some of it is, and that is what we eagerly wait for and hope (assuredly) for, knowing that one day we will no longer have to live in these earthly bodies, but we will all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and we will be forever with our Lord. Amen! Yet, our hope is now, too, in all that God has promised us, even those things we have not yet seen or realized. We are saved not just so we will go to heaven one day. We are saved so that we will live lives for the Lord and affect lives for Jesus Christ while we are still on this earth.

In our Weakness

I love this next part. Paul (words from the Lord) said: “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.” The same way in which our hope of eternity with God and the hope of our future glory help us stay focused and persevering in our faith and purpose, even while we must go through times of suffering on this earth, the Holy Spirit helps us in our limitations we experience while still in these earthly bodies. Sometimes we just don’t know what to do. We don’t even know what to ask for or how to pray. There have been times when all I could say was “Help!” It is awesome to know that at those times the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, because he knows what is really going on and what we really need, and others need, too.

A Believer’s Prayer / An Original Work / July 31, 2012

With my whole heart,
Lord, I pray to be Yours,
And Yours always.
Lead me in Your truth today.
May I love You, and obey.
Lead me in Your righteousness.
When I sin, may I confess;
Bow before You when I pray;
Live for You and You always.

Love You, Jesus,
You’re my friend.
Life with You will never end.
You are with me through each day,
Giving love and peace always.
You will ne’er abandon me.
From my sin You set me free.
You died on that cruel tree,
So I’d live eternally.

Soon You’re coming back for me;
From this world to set me free;
Live with You eternally.
Oh, what joy that brings to me.
I will walk with You in white;
A pure bride,
I’ve been made right
By the blood of Jesus Christ;
Pardoned by His sacrifice.

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