Habakkuk 2

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

Monday, November 11, 2013

A Trojan Horse

Monday, November 11, 2013, 2:11 a.m. – The Lord Jesus woke me with this song:

Believe Him / An Original Work / July 15, 2013

My heart cries: Lord, won’t You hear me
Seeking You for the answers
To my heartache and questions
I have concerning my life?
Speak, Lord, to me right now.

“Oh, dear one, why don’t you trust Me
With your life’s circumstances?
Give your all on the altar
In submission of your will
To My purpose for you.

“Surrender your life completely
To your Lord and your Savior.
He has all things planned for you
For His glory and honor.
He’ll work all things for good.

“Believe Him. He will fulfill all
Of His promises to you
For your life and your future.
Trust Him. Rest in His love.
He’ll give you peace from above.”

In the course of the morning, the Lord Jesus led me to look at the name “Alena,” which is a variant of Helen and also the French acronym for NAFTA. That led me to look up the name “Helen,” which has several possible meanings to the name, including “torch,” “to turn,” “to cover,” “to flow, run,” “swift,” or “the shining one.” [Source: Wikipedia]. Interestingly enough, the name Lucifer means “Shining One.” This also led me to look up Helen of Troy, the Trojan Horse, and NAFTA as a Trojan Horse, which then led me to the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), which was described as “NAFTA on steroids” or as a “Corporate Trojan Horse.” See: http://www.democracynow.org/2013/10/4/a_corporate_trojan_horse_obama_pushes

Metaphorically a "Trojan Horse" has come to mean any trick or stratagem that causes a target to invite a foe into a securely protected bastion or space. It is also associated with "malware" computer programs presented as useful or harmless to induce the user to install and run them” [Wikipedia].

The Lord Jesus was also giving me a picture of this “Alena” as red, evil, swift, and as a sender (or resender) of multiple messages in rapid succession, one after another after another. So, I looked at the news, and I believe the Lord is showing me who this “Alena” is, and how this fits with the idea of the Trojan Horse, evil, red and Lucifer. For one, Satan is definitely behind it, so its purpose is evil. It is red, because it involves bloodshed, because it represents the fire of hell, and because it is representative of communism or socialism. It is a Trojan Horse because it gives a false appearance of being one thing while its true purpose is really something much more sinister. It is a lot like a False Flag operation, i.e. “covert military or paramilitary operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities, groups or nations than those who actually planned and executed them” - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag.

As I read through today’s news I saw several “Trojan Horses.” The first one is Typhoon Haiyan, and hidden inside this horse is the international assistance coming into the country following the storm. In other words, the storm caused great devastation to the Philippines so that the Philippines is now inviting international assistance into its country, the sole purpose of which is to come in and control the nation, its natural resources, its government, its laws, and its people, as well as to eliminate Satan’s greatest competition – Christ’s messengers and witnesses. Also, the storm in the Philippines is a call for greater climate control, which is confusing to me, i.e. I am not sure what that entails. NAFTA/TPP I don’t completely understand, but I do believe it invites a conglomeration of nations into one rule of law and control and paves the way for the breakdown of borders and the entry of those inside the Trojan Horse into our nation or other nations in order to change our laws and bring us underneath a new form of law and government and control, alias the Beast.

Orchestrated and numerous mass shootings, one after another, pave the way for gun control, forced mental-health evaluations, greater security (command and control) measures, and probably will eventually lead to martial law. Orchestrated “terrorist attacks” (false flag operations) have led to invasions into other countries, the murdering and raping of innocents, looting, confiscation of private property and command and control over the governments of other nations. Unnatural disasters and staged internal conflicts and uprisings within particular nations are all Trojan Horses complete with command and control units inside the “horse,” and for the sole purpose of taking over other nations to bring us all under the rule of the beast, i.e. the New World Order. Certain computer programs and antivirus software programs, etc. also serve as Trojan horses, which then invite greater internet and email controls, i.e. more spying on us to “protect” us, in other words, loss of our freedoms. All of this is happening in rapid succession, yet many still don’t see it.

Speak, Lord, your words to my heart. I read Philippians 4 (NIV).

The Lord is Near

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Vv. 4-7

I believe the Lord Jesus was showing me what is presently going on in our nation and the world today because these are all signs that the end is near, and also that the return of our Lord is near, as well. This is the reality of the present world in which we live. Satan, “the shining one,” is quickly bringing the world under the rule of the beast, and much of what we see going on in our news is all part of his master plan for taking over the world. It is happening very fast now, and truly that is what most of these international (UN) conferences are concerning, as well as they are concerning the obliteration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and its messengers, so as to keep the proclamation of the true gospel from spreading any further. So, as followers of Jesus Christ, we need to be paying attention, and we need to call on our Lord in prayer, asking him to show us what is true and what is not true, so we don’t fall prey to the deception of the evil one.

As far as what our response should be, either to this knowledge, or to the persecution and extreme suffering this is coming upon the world, and is soon to hit America, we are to rejoice in our suffering. We are to willingly give up our rights (freedoms), not fight back, and submit to those in authority over us, except we should not worship (bow to) the beast, and we should never deny our Lord or cease to speak in his name, even if it means our deaths. We should not be afraid of what we are suffering or are about to suffer, but we should commit our lives to our Lord Jesus Christ, trusting that he has a plan and a purpose for it all, which I believe largely is to revive his church, to bring many people to Jesus Christ, and to purify his bride to make her ready for her husband and their marriage. So, instead of fretting all this, we are to pray and petition our Lord, thankfully. He will guard our hearts and our minds with a peace from above that goes beyond human understanding.

Pure Thoughts

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Vv. 8-9

I believe this may be the area where Satan attacks us the most and where he gains the most ground, even in the lives of professing Christians, i.e. in getting us to think about things that are destructive to our lives instead of things that help us to grow in our relationships with Jesus Christ. I wish every Christian would take these two verses and would prayerfully examine their lives, activities, and in particular what they take into their minds, hearts and eyes in light of these truths. You have heard the phrase, “Garbage in; garbage out.” It is so true! The more junk of this world we take into our minds the more our thinking is controlled by the value system of this evil world instead of by Christ. The more we compromise with the world in our activities and in our entertainment choices, the more we open up ourselves for Satan to enter into our lives and to create havoc. So, we need to throw off everything that hinders and the sins that so easily entangle us so we can run with perseverance the race marked out for us (See Heb. 12:1), fixing our EYES ON JESUS.

Being Content

I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Vv. 10-13

In America, many of us have no idea what it truly means to be in want of food, clothing or shelter. We have an abundance of provisions. Yet, one day soon that is all going to change, and for those of us who do not accept the mark of the beast, we will not be able to buy or sell. Yet God has promised that just as he takes care of the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, he can take care of us, so we should not fear, but should pray. As well, through suffering we should learn, as did Paul, to be content in whatever circumstances God places us in, because the strength of the Lord will give us all we need in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. In other words, in our flesh we won’t be able to endure what has come and is still coming, but in the strength of the Lord we can be victorious over Satan.

Not By Might / An Original Work / March 29, 2012

Based off Zechariah 4

“Not by might, and not by power,
But by My Spirit,” says our Lord, God.
“Mighty mountain, O what are you?
Before Christ you will become level ground.”
The hands of our Lord, Savior God,
Formed the foundation of His church.
He alone will complete the work
He began in His servants’ hearts and minds.

Who despises small beginnings?
Much can be done in Christ’s strength within.
Be of courage, and trust your Lord.
All sufficient He is for all your needs.
Opposition and apathy:
Holy Spirit will set us free!
We can be overcomers in our faith
In our Lord, and our Savior, King.

Don’t be troubled by God’s timing.
He has ev’rything in His command.
Hasten to obey His commands fully,
Trusting Him to work all for good.
Not by might nor by human strength,
But by God’s power; strength within;
My dependency now on His working
His will in me in righteousness.

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